This is a project of using graph neural network to predict enantioselectivity
Dependencies: rdkit, torch, torch_geometric, sklearn, numpy, matplotlib
Results: The notebooks for investigation of data representation (graph & one-hot encoding) is in the folder data_representation_exps The ones for investigation of convolution layers are in folder conv_layers_exps Hyperparameter tuning is in hypertuning_onehot
Data Structures: defines a Dataset class for loading data from .csv defines a Reaction class. This is just a helper data structure that contains information of a single datum, including the reactants and enantioselectivity defines functions that change a Reaction object to a on which the models will actually use. The Reaction to Data abstraction is needed because we want different encoding of data. So we could define different functions in gives helper functions for defines the models used to train. defines the Trainer class to train the model.
Original Data: The enantioselectivity of the reactions are in exps.csv The ligand structures (SMILES strings) are in ligands.csv The naming and numbering of each structure is manually copied from paper: Zahrt, A. F., Henle, J. J., Rose, B. T., Wang, Y., Darrow, W. T., & Denmark, S. E. (2019). Prediction of higher-selectivity catalysts by computer-driven workflow and machine learning. Science (New York, N.Y.), 363(6424), eaau5631.