Rack app for advanced filtering RSS and Atom feeds. It's work like a proxy, so you can use any news agregator.
$ git clone git@github.com:andrey-skat/feed_filter.git
then run
$ bundle install
Go to the directory with feed_filter and run
$ rackup
is a file with feed urls and filters (see example below).
To filter feed, add it url to your feed aggregator like so http://your-app-domain.com/?url=http://feedurl.com
in feed_filter/rules.rb
FeedFilter.configure do
#filter out only those articles that mention Ruby
#block gets article object as parameter
#if block return false, then article would be excluded
feed 'http://habrahabr.ru/rss/hubs/' do |item|
item.title.to_s =~ /ruby/i