dataType variable_name = expression;
You can also initialise variables without assigning them a value; multiple initialisations are allowed.
- int > integer number
- real > real number
- complex > complex number
- complex a = 12 + 3i;
string s = "This is a string";
- P > returns current point, eg P.x and P.y are coordinates
- x, y, z > return coordinates of current point
- label > returns the label of the boundary the selected point belongs to, 0 if doesn't belong to any
- region > returns region no of current point
- N > returns outwards facing versor for current point if on a curve defined by border
- +, -, *, /, ^ > classic operators
- % > yields remainder
- notice that if operands are real, this command calculates the remainder of the integer parts
- cannot be used with complex numbers
- conj(no.), real(no.), imag(no.) > returns conjugate
- max(a,b), min(a,b)
- cannot be used with complex numbers
- a ? b : c > is equal to b if a is true, otherwise it's equal to c (arithmetical if)
real[int] = array_name(size);
//alternatively, like in MATLAB; size is calculated automatically
real[int] = array_name(1:3:10);
Size can be left unallocated; multiple statements are allowed.
matrix M = [[0,1,0],
- to change solver: set(M,solver=sparsesolver);
- available: LU, CG, Crout, Cholesky, GMRES, UMFPACK
- default: GMRES
- transposition: '
- term by term operations: .*, ./
- solve linear system: b = A^-1 x
- notice: A^-1 is an operator, basically
for (int i=1; i<=10; i++)
{run code}
while (i<=10)
{run code}
continue statement will bypass the code from continue to the end of the loop; break ends the loop.
- pow(x,y), exp(x,y), log(x) [natural], log10(x) [base 10]
- sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), asin(x), acos(x), atan(x)
- sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x), asinh(x), acosh(x), atanh(x)
- floor(x) > returns largest integer not greater than x
- ceil(x) > returns smallest integer not less than x
- rint(x) > returns closer integer
func f = cos(x) + sin(x);
Remark: function type is given by expression type
border gamma(t=a,b) {x=f(t); y=g(t); label=1};
This generates a border that is oriented from a to b, domain must be on the left, so on the right you have the outwards facing versor. Then border is discretised:
gamma(m); //negative values for reversed orientation
To build mesh, borders must intersect on extremes only and result must be a closed curve.
mesh Th1 = buildmesh(gamma1(10)+gamma2(5));
fespace Xh(Th,P1);
Xh uh,vh; //initialises FE functions
Xh fef = x^2 + y^2; //automatically interpolated
To calculate integrals on the defined space:
int2d(mesh)(expression)//integration on the mesh
int1d(mesh, label) //integration on boundary "label"
on(label,label,...,uh=0) //boundary condition
To calculate derivatives of FE functions - DOESN'T WORK WITH ANALYTICAL ONES:
To access only the degrees of freedom of a FE function, use function_name[] (returns FE function as a vector).
problem laplace(uh,vh) = int2d(mesh)(integrand)
+ on(label,condition);
//implicitly: integral = 0
laplace; //solution of the equation
You can set the solver and the preconditioner:
problem laplace(uh,vh,solver=CG,precon=P) = ...;
varf B(u,v) = int2d(Th)(integrand)
+ on(label, condition); //variational form
//define fespace, functions
matrix K = B(Xh,Xh); //stiffness matrix
g[] = -B(0,Xh); //known term
uh[] = K^-1 * g; //solution of linear system
plot(thing_to_plot, value=1, fill=1);
You might want to pass argument nbiso=40 as well. Don't really know what it does.
Syntax is the same as C++: uses cin, cout, endl, <<, >>. To print some text on the console:
cout << "Text that is printed" <<endl;
To gather some input from the console:
cin >> i;
To read and write on files, first define their path:
ofstream of_name("filename.extension"); //for simple output
ofstream of_name("filename.extension",append); //to append
ifstream in_name("filename.extension");
Then, usage is the same as cin and cout:
of_name << variable <<"string" <<endl;
if_name >> i;
- don't use ^ or pow() for powers of 10; use e instead