Why AVLighterPageViewController?
As an iOS developer we sometimes need to paginate the viewcontrollers or views, and for that we need to implement delegates and datasource and/or make some calculation for pagination. but as a solution we can make one lighter delegate & datasoucre class which will handle all the mess for you.
How to use it
You just need to copy 2 classes from above demo project
1) AVPageViewController
2) AVPageContentViewController
Feeling lazy to copy You can always do pod install, add following line into your podfile
pod 'AVLighterPageViewController'
-- After this you need to add NSObject into your storyboard, and apply custom class to AVPageViewController for that NSObject
-- Now create custom xib or viewcontroller in storyboard and subclass that class with AVPageContentViewController, in XIB or storyboard you need to apply custom class to AVPageContentViewController
-- In your viewcontroller you can add below line and you are done with pagination!!
self.pageController?.setupControllers([Array of viewcontrollers], viewControllerFrameRect: CGRectMake(margin, margin, self.view.frame.size.width - 2 * margin, self.view.frame.size.height - 100), withPresentingViewControllerIndex: 0)
**All are viewcontrollers so you can add any views to each page
-- Hope you like it.
If you have any query or suggestion you can always contact me at vasaangel91@gmail.com