Hey everyone!
Updated OC to 1.0.1, some notable changes:
Updated system Kexts like Lilu, AppleALC, WhateverGreen etc.
AdvancedMap.kext updated to v4. Supports Sequoia natively now, removed -advmapbeta
RestrictEvents.kext is still needed to fetch updates with revpatch=sbvmm as boot argument.
Updating between Betas. Tried multiple times with SecureBootModel enabled to j185 but always fails. Disable before updating your system. Do enable it after you've installed the Beta to run Adobe services properly.
Since Lilu is updated to support Sequoia, -lilubetaall boot-argument isn't required anymore.
Still running Itlwm, so native wi-fi isn't present as of now. You'll have to patch system using OpenCore Legacy Patcher and have to disable SIP. Since I'm using this system as workbench, won't be going this route unless any other way is found. Sidecar and Handoff still works for some reason but missing Universal Control and Airdrop (SnapDrop helps).