An intelligent content creation system that uses AI agents to research current events from the web and craft comprehensive news articles. Built with CrewAI, it specializes in producing detailed coverage of Input Topic through automated research and writing.
The system employs a two-stage process where specialized AI agents handle web research and content writing sequentially.
flowchart TB
subgraph Input
topic["user input topic"]
subgraph CrewAI["CrewAI Framework"]
direction TB
crew["Crew Instance"]
subgraph Agents
researcher["News Researcher Agent"]
writer["News Writer Agent"]
subgraph Tasks
research["Research Task"]
writing["Write Task"]
subgraph Process
sequential["Sequential Process"]
subgraph Output
result["Final News Content"]
%% Connections
topic --> crew
crew --> Agents
crew --> Tasks
crew --> Process
researcher --> research
writer --> writing
research --> sequential
writing --> sequential
sequential --> result
%% Styling
classDef primary fill:#2563eb,stroke:#1e40af,color:white
classDef secondary fill:#4b5563,stroke:#374151,color:white
classDef highlight fill:#059669,stroke:#047857,color:white
class crew,sequential primary
class researcher,writer,research,writing secondary
class topic,result highlight
- Web Research Automation: Gathers information from diverse online sources
- Content Creation: Transforms research findings into well-structured articles
- Sequential Processing: Ensures thorough research before writing begins
- Topic Specialization: Focused on global warfare and geopolitical news
- Source Integration: Combines information from multiple reliable sources
pip install crewai
from crewai import Crew, Process
from agents import news_researcher, news_writer
from tasks import research_task, write_task
# Initialize the crew
crew = Crew(
agents=[news_researcher, news_writer],
tasks=[research_task, write_task],
# Execute the workflow
result = crew.kickoff(inputs={"topic": "Global Warfare & geopolitics"})
News Researcher Agent
- Scrapes and collects information from the web
- Validates source credibility
- Organizes research findings
News Writer Agent
- Creates original content from research
- Structures articles professionally
- Maintains journalistic style
Research Task
- Web scraping and data collection
- Source verification
- Information synthesis
Write Task
- Content creation
- Article structuring
- Final formatting
- CrewAI Framework
- Contributors and maintainers
- Open source community
Ankit Mishra - @ankitmishralive