Materials for the Intermediate Shiny Workshop at RStudio Conf 2019
In preparation for this workshop you will need a recent version of R and RStudio installed along with all of the following packages:
- cranlogs
- DT
- flexdashboard
- gapminder
- jsonlite
- lubridate
- miniUI
- shiny
- shinyBS
- shinydashboard
- shinyjs
- shinythemes
- shinytoastr
- tidyverse (specifically using dplyr, ggplot2, stringr)
If you are able to, these can be installed using a single package available on GitHub:
remotes::install_github("jcheng5/ShinyWorkshopDeps") or devtools::install_github("jcheng5/ShinyWorkshopDeps")
During the workshop there will be plenty of opportunity for hands on practice. For these exercises you will need to get a copy of all of the materials, which can be found on GitHub:
If you are familiar with GitHub you can clone the repository, or otherwise simply download (you should see a green "Clone or Download" button on the right).