This is the work-in-progress repo for the book Mastering Shiny by Hadley Wickham.
Built with bookdown.
Shiny 101
- Your first Shiny app
- Basic UI
- Basic reactivity
- Case study
Shiny in action
- Workflow / organising your app.
- Tables
- Graphics
- Interactive plots
- Uploading/downloading data
- Generating static reports from Shiny
- Multipage apps and modules
- Programming the tidyverse
Mastering UI
- User feedback
- Dashboards
- Shiny gadgets
- Dynamic UI
- htmlwidgets
- Custom HTML
Mastering reactivity
- Reactive components
- Dependency tracking
- Scoping
- Code organisation
- Using scopes to manage object lifetimes
- Sharing working between users
- Making an app in a function
- Connecting to databases
- Advanced techniques
- Async programming with promises
Taming Shiny
- Troubleshooting and debugging
- Testing with shinytest
- Managing dependencies with packrat
- Performance and scalability
- Load testing with shinyloadtest
- Deployment options
- Bookmarkable state
- Server-side selectize and DT
- R Markdown integration
- Reproducibility
There are three directories for images:
contains omnigraffle diagrams. Source of truth is.graffle
files. Can delete all subdirectories. -
contains programmatic screenshots. Source of truth is book code. Can delete all subdirectories. -
contains images created some other way. Images are source of truth and should not be deleted.