in remote expression functions, we throw errors so they show up in the form.
added valueColumn "*" and placeholderColumn "*", to return all column, this also means that valueColumn "*" results in the same as outputObject: true.
jobid is passed now as extravar and passed to nextform, incase an action exists
you can now hide a text field
more advanced ldap properties for non active directory ldap servers
git repositories generic (for forms and playbook for example)
added expiryDays to login api, for longlived tokens (admin only)
added jwt tokenPrefix property on jwt functions
allow admin role fallback for local/admins group in case no forms are found
radio button values property can now have array of objects (label, value)
instanceGroups property on forms => choose awx instanceGroups
enable verbose checkbox for quick ansible verbose mode
git repo type, you can no longer target git repo's from a form, this is breaking when you upgrade to 5.0.0 and use the formtype 'git'
awx workflow template failed with 404
ldap usernameattribute not used
fixed database query issue for postgres
use ldap-authentication main code (no npm)
try ldap group objectName first
You can’t perform that action at this time.