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antD97 edited this page May 18, 2022 · 22 revisions

Shorthand Commands is a simple transpiler tool that enables Minecraft datapack developers to use additional convenient syntax that makes .mcfunction files more readable and organized. Checkout the project page for a detailed readme.

Here you can learn about all the special syntax Shorthand Commands has to offer.

Define multiple mcfunctions in a single .mcfunction file.

execute as @a[scores={time_alive=0}] run function example:player/on_death
    say Oh no!
    say That hurt!

Repeat a line n times.

particle minecraft:ambient_entity_effect ~ ~ ~ 170 0 0 255 0

Repeat a line while replacing part of it with values from a list.

execute as @e[type=creeper] run say I'm a creeper!

A shortened way of writing scoreboard player ... commands.

#!sb @s[type=creeper,scores={objective=111}] objective = 222
#!sb @s[type=creeper,scores={objective=111}] objective %= @s[type=zombie,scores={objective=222}] objective"

A shortened way of writing the namespace of your function.

function __:some/function
scoreboard players set @a __cool 100

Break up long lines into multiple lines using \.

tellraw @a ["",{"text":"A long tellraw command\n","color":"aqua"},\
               {"text":"that you can actually read.","color":"green"}]

A makeshift way of hiding text editor error indicators.

function my_namespace:introduce
#! {
    say Hello!
    say I am @s!
#! }

#! tellraw @a ["",{"text":"A long tellraw command\n","color":"aqua"},\
               #! {"text":"that you can actually read.","color":"green"}]