Arnoldi diagonalization of a spin Hamiltonian on a rectangular, two-dimensional lattice, implemented in julia. Uses Sz, translational, and spin-flip symmetry to reduce the Hilbert space dimension, and an ARPACK wrapper to find eigenvalues and eigenstates.
Outputs energies, and total-spin, spin-inversion, z-spin, and momentum quantum numbers for low lying eigenstates.
The provided spin Hamiltonian is the J1-J2-J3-J4-K model from Equation 4 of Sachdev's paper (2017), with J3 and J4 fixed to 0 currently.
For an almost-complete overview of methods used in this code, see Section 4.1 and 4.4 of Sandvik's notes (2011).
Julia 0.5, DataFrames, ArgParse
There is a file named "main.jl" for running simulations. Command line arguments control Hamiltonian and lattice parameters, the symmetry sector of the Hamiltonian to be diagonalized, and the parameters of the Arnoldi diagonalization algorithm. Available command line arguments are:
Argument | Description | Argument Type | Default Value |
Lx | width of lattice | Int | 4 |
Ly | length of lattice | Int | 4 |
J1 | n.n. coupling | Float | 1.0 |
J2 | n.n.n. coupling | Float | 0.0 |
K | plaquette coupling | Float | 0.0 |
Sz | total spin along the z-axis | Int | 0 |
mx | momentum kx = 2 pi mx / Lx | Int | 0 |
my | momentum ky = 2 pi my / Ly | Int | 0 |
z | spin-inversion number | Int | 0 |
verbose | print details of simulation? | Bool | true |
numEigs | number of eigenvalues calculated | Int | 4 |
tol | error tolerance of Arnoldi algorithm | Float | 10^(-8) |
numKrylovVecs | dimension of the Krylov subspace | Int | 10 |
maxIter | maximum number of Arnoldi iterations | Int | 200 |
For example, a slurm job script could look like
#SBATCH --mem=100G
#SBATCH --time=2-00:00:00
julia main.jl --Lx 6 --Ly 6 --J1 1.0 --J2 0.0 --K 0.0 --Sz 0 --mx 0 --my 0 --z 1 --numEigs 4 --tol 0.00000001 --numKrylovVecs 10 --maxIter 200 --verbose true
where a 6x6 lattice is given 100 GB and 2 days to run (this should actually take ~85 GB and ~30 hours for the largest symmetry sectors of a 6x6 J-K Hamiltonian).
*This section will be updated with more strategies for improvements to this code.
The current version uses julia's eigs(), a wrapper around ARPACK, which uses implicitely restarted Arnoldi iterations to find low lying eigenvalues. This method stores on the order of numKrylovVecs vectors, which is significantly larger than a Lanczos method, which only requires you to store three. So, need to implement a simple Lanczos algorithm such as that found in Section 4.2 of (Sandvik, 2011). This will also speed up the time to find eigenvalues because you can leave out any re-orthonormalization procedure and just make sure to monitor the Lanczos algorithm to avoid "ghost states" which arise when the Lanczos fails due to loss of orthogonality of the eigenvectors it is calculating.
Modify the code to accomodate more complex lattices. For example, there is a 32-site square lattice depicted in Figure 1 of (Leung and Gooding, 1995) which could be useful.
If the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian could be generated fast enough, the Hamiltonian would never need to be stored. It could just be calculated on the fly every time a matrix-vector product is needed, and this would greatly reduce the memory cost of running the code. The bottleneck in calculating matrix elements are the following two problems, the first of which is only a bottleneck if translational symmetry is used, which it currently is in this code.
a) given a spin state, find it's representative (if you don't know what this means, see the topic of momentum states in Section 4.1 of Sandvik's notes 2011)
b) given a representative state, find its location in the basis of representatives
A strategy for solving these problems efficiently is given by Weisse (2013), with reference to initial work by Lin (1990). If translational symmetry is not used, Lin's strategy will be enough to avoid storing the Hamiltonian.
If spin systems with more than 36 spins are desired, the code would need to be modified to be massively parallel. This means dividing the Hamiltonian up into chunks which fit on single cores, and communicating between cores only when absolutely necessary. When using this strategy, one should carefully consider whether using translational symmetry is worth it.
- Alan Morningstar