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WatchSession Sample App

Communicating between a Titanium App and a Xcode watchOS 2 App.

Among lots of other enhancements, Titanium 5.0.0 adds support for bundling and communicating with an Xcode-built watchOS 2 app. I'll walk you through adding and launching a Watch app for your own Titanium apps and then use the example to explain how you can communicate between them.


Architecture of watchOS2

First, please make yourself familiar with the architecture of watchOS 2 and the difference with watchOS 1. Apple has an excellent WatchKit Programming Guide and in particular the Watch App Architecture section is very helpful as it shows Watch Apps still have a WatchKit Extension but it now runs on the Apple Watch instead of the iPhone. In your WatchKit Extension you will use Apple's Watch Connectivity Framework directly, while in your Titanium app you talk to the same framework via Ti.WatchSession.


Adding a Watch App to your Titanium App

Use the CLI to create and add an Xcode project with Obj-C Watch App and Extension to an existing Titanium iOS App:

cd ~/your-ti-app
appc new --type applewatch --template watchos2 --name "Your Watch App"

The project name is what users will see in the Apple Companion app and Watch. It doesn't need to be the same as the <name> of you Titanium app's tiapp.xml. You will find the Xcode project under ~/your-ti-app/extensions/Your Watch App which will also be added to tiapp.xml for you. The template includes the code of this sample so you can connect to it from your Titanium app using Ti.WatchSession right away.

In Studio you'll find a new Apple watchOS2 App section in the Tiapp Editor where you can click Create New... to walk through the above steps.


Launching a Titanium App with its Watch App

Here's how you run you Titanium App and its Watch App.


To run both your Titanium App and its watchOS 2 app from the CLI:

appc run --platform ios --launch-watch-app

While you still have Xcode 6 installed and selected, use --ios-version (-I) to select the iOS 9 SDK found in Xcode 7. The --launch-watch-app option will take care of launching the Watch App simulator, pairing it with the iOS Simulator and installing and launching your app.

In Studio, simply select a 9.0 iPhone + Watch Simulator pair:



Deploying to your iPhone and Apple Watch Device takes a little more effort.


First of all, you'll need an iPhone running iOS 9 and a paired Apple Watch running watchOS 2.

Then open Xcode (Window > Devices) to lookup the UDID of your Apple Watch and make sure both your iPhone and Apple Watch are registered and added to the wildcard provisioning profile you use for development. If it's managed by Xcode, I haven't found a way to have Xcode add the Watch so I just created a new provisioning profile for your wildcard App ID. Don't forget to download and open the updated provisioning profile or pull it in via Xcode (Preferences > Accounts > View Details... > Download all).

Ultimately, you are probably going to use an Explicit App ID (so you can use Push Notifications etc.) and then you'll have to create these (and the related provisioning profiles) for both the Titanium App, the Watch App and Extension. Yes, three of them...I know. But for this sample and development, just use a wildcard.

Now we only need to set the UUID of the provisioning profiles in tiapp.xml. Run appc ti info -t ios to verify you have installed them correctly, copy their UUID's and then add it to the targets under ios/extensions:

  <extension projectPath="extensions/WatchOS2/WatchOS2.xcodeproj">
    <target name="WatchOS2 WatchApp Extension">
    <target name="WatchOS2 WatchApp">

In Studio the Tiapp Editor has a Configure Provisioning Profiles... button to do this:



Then build to device like normal, just make sure that you use the iOS 9 SDK and the same provisioning profile:

appc run -p ios --target device --device-id ? --pp-uuid ?

You can either replace ? with the exact values found via appc ti info -t ios or leave them there and unless you've set appc ti config set cli.prompt false the CLI will let you select from the found devices (-C) and profiles (-P).

In Studio the wizard to Run on iOS Device will let you select the SDK version and Provisioning Profile.

Communicating between the Titanium and Watch App

Now that we know how to run the sample, let's see how it works.

In the Watch App & Extension

There's only a few relevant files in the Xcode project and targets. Go ahead and open extensions/WatchOS2/WatchOS2.xcodeproj in Xcode 7.


You can find the Watch App storyboard under [WatchOS2/WatchOS2 WatchApp/interface.storyboard](extensions/WatchOS2/WatchOS2 WatchApp/Base.lproj/interface.storyboard). As you can see we have scenes for the App, Glances and notifications. Only the App storyboard (Interface Controller Scene) has been populated with some buttons.

See Apple Watch Programming Guide / Watch Apps for information about building UIs for Apple Watch.


The related controller can be found in the Extension under [WatchOS2/WatchOS2 WatchApp Extension/InterfaceController.m](extensions/WatchOS2/WatchOS2 WatchApp Extension/InterfaceController.m) and [InterfaceController.h](extensions/WatchOS2/WatchOS2 WatchApp Extension/InterfaceController.h).

Connecting to the Titanium App

In the header I've imported WatchConnectivity, add WCSessionDelegate. I also declare properties I will use to keep track of the session and last received log and image, outlets form the Storyboard I use and the public methods the Storyboard uses.

Then in InterfaceController.m I'll have to activate the Watch Session each time the Watch Extension activates. If you don't, it will not be able to communicate with the Titanium App. I activate the session in willActivate:

	- (void)willActivate {
	    [super willActivate];
	    if ([WCSession isSupported] && watchSession == nil) {
	        watchSession = [WCSession defaultSession];
	        watchSession.delegate = self;
	        [watchSession activateSession];

As you can see in the [full sample code](extensions/WatchOS2/WatchOS2 WatchApp Extension/InterfaceController.m) I also restore the last received log (and image) here. If the Watch App was not active while it received something from the iPhone the delegate's calls to showLog will not have updated the UI so we do that here using the properties we also save the logs and images to when we receive them.

Sending to the Titanium App

Under the #pragma mark watch methods you'll find the 4 methods that the 4 buttons in the UI call. They demonstrate the 4 methods of WCSession to send a message (simple object to send right away), file, userInfo (simple object, queued to be sent in background) or update the applicationContext (simple object, of which only the last one will be delivered when the Titanium App resumes).

    NSURL *fileURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"logo" withExtension:@"png"];
    [watchSession transferFile:fileURL metadata:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"bar",@"foo",nil]];

Receiving from the Titanium App

Then under #pragma mark watch delegates we continue with the delegates that listen to events received from the Titanium App. As you can see, there are also events to let us know if a file or userInfo was transferred successfully. All events are logged in the Watch App UI and received images are displayed as well.

- (void)session:(nonnull WCSession *)session didReceiveFile:(nonnull WCSessionFile *)file
    NSURL *url = [file fileURL];
    [self showLog:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"didReceiveFile %@", file.description] withImage:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url] andMode:@"live"];

In the Titanium App

In the Titanium app we'll use Ti.WatchSession to access the exact same WatchConnectivity framework. The properties, method names and event names are also identical.

Connecting and Receiving

In app/controllers/watchsession.js you can see that we have to call activateSession() just like we did for the Watch App. We then add event listeners to all events and show the current value of all the properties in the view. You can tap the label of a property anytime to update just that value or use the refresh button to update all. Any data received from the Watch App is displayed in a notification and also logged to the console and the app's Console tab.

Sending to the Watch App

The event listeners for the different buttons in the view demonstrate each of the methods to send files and information to the Watch App. As you can see, there are also cancel* methods. They can only be tested if your Watch is out of reach or for some other reason data cannot be transferred to the Watch and is queued.

	fileURL: '/docs/logo.png',
	metaData: createSamplePayload()

Final notes

There's a lot more about Apple Watch apps. Checkout the Links section for more information after I close of with some final notes:

  • You can change the Watch App's name later in Xcode via WatchOS2 > Targets > WatchOS2 WatchApp > General > Identity > Display Name.
  • You have to manage the icons for the Watch App yourself via the Xcode project's [asset catalog](extensions/WatchOS2/WatchOS2 WatchApp/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset). You can use the TiCons CLI or Website to generate these.
  • Via the Storyboard for the Watch App you can also control scenes to display custom information to notifications. If you are already using interactive notifications then be aware that actions with ..ACTIVATION_MODE_FOREGROUND will now open the Apple Watch App instead of the iOS app. The Apple Watch Notifications guide explains how to handle both.
  • In the same way, you can also include a Glance and Complication scene and controller. Follow the linked guides from Apple for more information. You can communicate with the Titanium app through the Watch Connectivity framework in the same way. This sample does not include this.
  • Currently our templates are in Objective-C but it will work similar in Swift. We might add Swift templates later (TIMOB-19455).



This app demonstrates WatchSession support in Titanium 5.0







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