Support for Mongo engine in applauncher
Install: pip install mongoengine_bundle
db: "my_database"
host: "loalhost"
port: 27017
username: "my_username"
password: "123456"
db: "my_database"
host: ","
port: 27017
username: "my_username"
password: "123456"
ssl: True
replica_set: "my_shard"
authentication_source: "admin"
Once the bundle is loaded, just use mongoengine as normal. The bundle just manage the connections (its ready for multi thread applications so you can use it with celery for example)
class BlogPost(Document):
title = StringField(required=True, max_length=200)
body = Stringfield(required=True)
post = BlogPost(title="My title", body="My wonderful content")
#More Check the mongoengine documentation to get details about how to use it