- rust implementation of Burrows-Wheeler transform for long range sequencing as well as the short reads.
- writing the Burrows-Wheeler transform in RUST all parts separate later for merge into RUST-bowtie.
- in this i implement a struct based approach so that based on the sorted keys i can push them into a BTreeMap, which will make them on a log scale much faster.
- general note: Incase of Golang and RUST, please see the last commit message and if it says compiled binary then it is completed or else still in development version.
cargo build
➜ rust-bwt-algorithm git:(main) ✗ ./target/debug/rust-bwt-algorithm -h
Usage: rust-bwt-algorithm <BWT_ARG>
<BWT_ARG> please provide the path to the fastq file
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Gaurav Sablok