#My Library
Contributors: Ludovic Roland (http://www.rolandl.fr), Axel de Sainte Marie (http://www.apponthebeach.com)
Stable tag:
License: GNU GPL v2.0
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
My Library is a light PHP website to manage your virtual library.
Each member can :
- add / remove / edit authors
- add / remove / edit book styles
- add / remove / edit books
- tag a book as read
- tag a book as got
- tag a book as wanted
- export the list of book he gets / read / wants in PDF
- see a list of suggested books
You also have the possibility to :
- do a research by author, title, year, style, etc
- export the list of books that all the user have in PDF
##Installation & configuration
###The database
In order to create the database, open your SGBD and execute the SQL script 'Documents/sql/my_library_x.x.sql'.
Open the php file 'Library/PDOFactory.class.php' and edit the line 9 with your own database information.
###The website
Copy the following directories on your FTP :
- Applications
- Errors
- Library
- Web
In order to work, your domain name has to target the directory 'Web'.
###Add a user
Users have to be add directly in the database. Passwords have to be encrypted with SHA1.
### WARNING : If you already have My Library set up on your server, you MUST update your database for this version to work. Check Documents/sql/my_library_1.4.3.1.sql to see the updates
- Add a button to add a new book directly from the home page
- Bug fixed on the link to go back to the books list from a book details page when the bool title start with a number
- Update the book table to add a flag in order to specify if a book is an eBook or a real one - Update to version
- New entry "All" in the books list, to see all the books recorded at one place
- Added a new book directly from the detail view of another one
- View the lists (Want, Read, Get) of all the users of the library
- Added a new entry in the books list : Book you didn't read yet
- Fixed syntax error
- Updated the SQL script
- Added the missing 'upload' directory
- Updated the code with the latest version of the rolandl PHP Framework (v1.1.1)
- UI improvement
- Fixed the issue with the generated PDF files
- Cleaned up the code
- Added the possibility to export a list of all the books users have
- First public version of the project