This repository contains raw data of a Case Use for Moodle 2.x and 3.x usability evaluation. It also gives access to template files corresponding to the instruments necessary to apply the Moodle Usability Assessment Methodology using the Universal Design for Learning perspective developed by the authors.
- Rosana Montes, Andalusian Research Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI). University of Granada. Spain. Email: []
- Liliana Herrera, University of Atlántico. Barranquilla, Colombia. Email: []
- Emilio Crisol, University of Granada. Spain. Email: []
This repository is under Creative Commons By-NC-ND license.
We have applied our Moodle Usability Assessment Methodology using the Universal Design for Learning perspective for two Moodle instances: 2.x in the case of UGR platform, named PRADO and 3.x in UA with SICVI-567 platform. Here you can access to the instruments and the collected anonymous raw data.
Breafly these are:
- AT Matrix. Our collection of free-online Assistive Tecnologies for Moodle. Used as Annex in our Questionnaries.
- Web Accessibility Assessment with the Wave tool
- Usability Test for Moodle 2.x and 3.x
- Focus groups: face-to-face experiences documented with feedback capture grids
- Questionnaires. We have desinged seven closed questionnnaries:
- Questionnaire Q1: Coordinators/Managers of Moodle platform
- Questionnaire Q1: Technical Team or administrators of Moodle platform
- Questionnaire Q2: Teachers Moodle users
- Questionnaire Q2: Students Moodle users
- Questionnaire Q3: Usability experts
- Questionnaire Q4: MOOC participants with experience in a Moodle teaching role
- Questionnaire Q4: MOOC Moodle participants
The authors wish to thank the technical and management team of CEPRUD at the University of Granada, together with the Secretariat for Inclusion, and the technical and management team of SICVI567 at the Universidad del Atlántico.