Dynamic is a function that accepts JSON (Map), and returns a DynamicObject. With DynamicObject, we can take values from JSON using dot operators instead of using brackets. We can also chain dot operators to retrieve nested values from the Object too. When we perform chain calls, the last call must be closed with parentheses (as if calling a function) to get the actual value.
A simple usage example:
import 'package:dynamic_json/dynamic_json.dart';
main() {
final person = Dynamic({
"FirstName": "Arif",
"LastName": "Rachim",
"Address": {
"City": "Dubai",
"Phone": "050123456",
"Favorites": ["JavaScript", "ActionScript", "Java", "Dart"]
print(person.FirstName()); // Arif
print(person.Address.City()); // Dubai
print(person.Address.Favorites()); // ["JavaScript","ActionScript","Java","Dart"]
print(person.Address.Favorites[0]()); // JavaScript