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- Frontend - Home, CS:GO, FIFA, All Games, Organizers
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- Back-end - Team Dashboard (Edit Description, Remove Player, Join Notification)
- Install Python 3.6
- (for windows) Add Python installation to your PATH
- Run the following in terminal:
cd frag-fest-platform
mv .env.EXAMPLE .env
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py collectstatic
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Navigate to in your browser. Linux users may need to use python3
instead of python
- You can open the folder in a text editor like Sublime-text, Atom, Visual Studio Code, etc.
- To make changes in front-end, make sure you first go through Django Templating Language and have a knowledge of Bootstrap v4.
- Navigate to
to find out the template to modify. - You can put all static files to
relevant directory.
source bin/activate
cd frag-fest-platform
git pull origin master
python manage.py collectstatic
python manage.py migrate
sudo supervisorctl restart frag-fest