This package performs agglomerative hierarchical clustering with the Mahalanobis distance based Genetic Relationship Matrix (GRM) representing the population-level covariance (LD) for the genetic markers.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been extensively used to estimate the signed effects of trait-associated alleles and compute polygenic risk scores. Recently, it has been made evident that more rigorous and sophisticated methods for standard population structure correction are needed . Here, we provide a correction technique for complex population structure while leveraging the linkage disequilibrium (LD) induced distances between individuals. We implement CluStrat, which performs agglomerative hierarchical clustering using the Mahalanobis distance based Genetic Relationship Matrix (GRM) representing the population-level covariance (LD) for the SNPs. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide to stratification and subsequent disorder trait prediction or estimation utilizing the underlying LD structure of the genotypes.
- This package was developed using Python 3 (Python 2 for simulating datasets).
- There are many imports for the software and you just need to make sure your pip package has the necessary packages installed. For example:
python3 -m pip install plinkio
- Files can be installed from this repository.
- The main file to run this package is This code allows you to indicate whether you want to run CluStrat on simulated data or on real data (how to run below). The following commands are examples to run CluStrat.
python3 --sim 1 --prop 10,20,70 --trait 1 --model BN --ver 0 --plot 0 --pval 0.0001 --numclust 10 --size 1000,1000
python3 --dir example/test_data --pval 0.0001 --numclust 10
python3 --help
- Here is the description of the flags above:
: sets the p-value threshold for significant SNPs. This flag is required in both simulated and non-simulated runs.
: sets the number of clusters for hierarchical clustering. This flag is required in both simulated and non-simulated runs.
: indicates use of a real dataset and sets the path to the PLINK formatted data to use. Use the prefix of the PLINK data e.g. --dir /example/test_data
for files /example/test_data.bed, /example/test_data.bim and /example/test_data.fam.
: indicates simulating data. The next flags are needed for simulating data.
: sets the amount of variances for each effect (genetic, environmental and noise). The effects need are delimeted by commas and must sum to 100.
: sets the simulated trait to be either continuous (1) or binary (0).
: sets the model to be used for simulation. The options are Balding-Nichols (BN) model, Pritchard-Stephens-Donnelly model (PSD) and 1000 Genomes Project model (TGP).
: sets flag for limited printing (1).
: indicates plotting PCA for the data.
: sets the dimensions for the simulation data (number of individuals, number of markers).
- The output of are the chromosome number, SNP rsIDs and p-values from ridge regression. The format is the following:
chrom SNPs p-values
3 rs2875479 1.2204460492567813e-16
6 rs3456713 4.220446565656313e-15
5 rs1987654 3.9854337898655673e-13
The simulation code ( is ran using Python 2. When running with Python 3, a segmentation fault occurs when trying to save the simulated data in PLINK format using the libplinkio library. We are currently working on making this fix as Python 2 will be deprecated soon.
Another note when running CluStrat is to adjust the clustering depth based on the dendogram to get an appropriate number of desired clusters. During the execution, the dendogram plot is saved so you can halt the execution to view the plot, adjust the depth accordingly and re-run the code.
Aritra Bose (a dot bose @ ibm dot com)
Myson Burch (mcburch @ purdue dot edu)
*For simulator code:
Song M., Wei H., and John D.S. "Testing for genetic associations in arbitrarily structured populations." Nature genetics 47.5 (2015): 550.