A web application for small business owners and freelancers needing a simple and professional invoicing solution.
User authentication (jwt) for security
Storing / Viewing products & customers and linking them
PDF invoice generation, & printing, Managing already generated ones
- Bar-code generation for each invoice to easily access the invoices data later on
- Gmail API Integaration (Sending invoice to the customer email via button click)
Front-end- ExpressJS / HTML5, jQuery 3, Bootstrap 3, CSS
Backend- NodeJS/ Express
Database - MySQL 8
Libraries Used-
Font Awesome (icon) - https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/
Datatable - https://datatables.net/
Create a schema in your MySQL instance called invoicing
Create tables from sqlQueries.sql
in the same order as provided in file.
In default.json in config folder in api, change the values of dbname
to invoicing
and host
, user
and password
to your corresponding database hostname, usermane and password
In .env in app, replace the values of PORT, API_URL and API_PORT with Server Port, API server hostname, API server port number.
to invoicing
and host
, user
and password
to your corresponding database hostname, usermane and password
Download and install NodeJS from https://nodejs.org/en/download/
To start the server, goto api directory in terminal and run npm install
and npm run dev
To start the front-end, goto app directory in terminal and run npm install
and npm run dev
Install forever
CLI tool for ensuring that servers are always running and create logs by running npm install -g forever
To start the server, goto api
directory in terminal and run npm install
and then
forever start --minUptime 1000 --spinSleepTime 1000 app.js
To start the server, goto app
directory in terminal and run npm install
and then
forever start --minUptime 1000 --spinSleepTime 1000 app.js
Open your browser and open page localhost:4000/
(default page)
If you have changed port number in .env in app, replace 4000 in above URL with your own port
Register a user, if it is your first time working with the web application Login with the registered Username (mobile) and Password
Running the API
To run the API, Goto api folder, open terminal in directory and type npm run start
Running the APP
To run the APP, Goto app folder, open terminal in directory and type npm run start