A library for creating and animating decorative lines on websites.
The main idea is based on LineMaker but this library use power of the mo-js.
npm install --save line-maker
<script src="https://unpkg.com/line-maker@1.0.1/dist/line-maker.umd.min.js"></script>
var lineMaker = new LinaMaker([
/* line options */
origin?: string // origin of the line animation
displaySettings: {
color?: string | { [delta: string]: string } // color of the line [String | mojs Delta Object]
width?: number | string // Width of the line
start?: { // line start position relative to parent
x: number | string
y: number | string
end?: { // line end position relative to parent
x: number | string
y: number | string
zIndex?: number // line object z-index
// and any other option for mo-js html
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