- This is object oriented C++ code that implements Walter Dehnen's Fast Multipole Method.
- See http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40668-014-0001-7/fulltext.html for details of Walter Dehnen's FMM.
- The objects in this C++ code are based on the java 2D code accompanying Yang Wang's thesis from UMIACS
- See DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1287920 for a C++ implementation of 2D FMM based on Yang Wang's code
- Download the Files and Directories
- The Makefile can be found in the parent directory
- Main.cc is located in the src directory
- Type make at a console in the top level directory to compile the code
- Several tests can be found in the test directory
- Tests can be copied to main to be run
- Main also contains code to test the program