Collaborative rich text editor based on Quill (with quill-cursors module) and ShareDB
Inspired by
cd collaborative-rich-text-editor
cp config/example.env .env
vi .env
To see verbose log set NODE_ENV=development
clean - remove build folder
dev:server - build and watch development server
dev:ui - build and watch development ui
dev:start - run and watch development server (have to be built before)
dev - build, run and watch development server and ui
prod:server - build production server
prod:ui - build production ui
prod - build production
lint - run tslint and eslint
lint:fix - run tslint and eslint with fix option
test - run unit tests
sessionToken - unique user token (any string)
documentId - unique document identifier (any integer)
TypeScript config file:
Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> TypeScript -> Options:
-p ./config/common.tsconfig.json
Uncomment code in files: src/server/config.ts and src/server/sharedb/index.ts
To change a MongoDB connection string set MONGODB_URI in .env file