These auto generated definitions from the scripts are used for filtering.
Example filters for import and
- Filter out bogon AS paths
- Filter out tier1 providers, no need to send them export data since they will have better routes that I do.
- Filter our own used upstream/transit providers
- Remove private AS numbers
- Filter on well know communities
- AS path prepending in community is set
- Filter out unacceptable prefix sizes
- Filter out unvalid prefixes
- Filter out unvalid prefixes
- Check for bogon AS and prefixes
- Check for valid RPKI
- Demote AS nexhops to lower pref
- Scrub blackhole routes
- No filtering
- Scrub communities
- Scrub communities
- Check for valid prefix size (< /8 or > /24)
- Filter out bogon prefixes
- Filter only own announced routes or downstream prefixes
- Check if prefix is valid or not
- Check for valid prefix size (< /12 or > /48)
- Filter out bogon prefixes
- Filter only own announced routes or downstream prefixes
- Check if prefix is valid or not
- Check !aspath-first-valid
- Check aspath_contains_tier1
- Check aspath_contains_upstream
- Check ipv4_prefix_valid
- Checl ipv6_prefix_valid
Default protocols used by bird2
Create the define(s) for all the used AS networks
Create the define(s) for all the used Internet Exchange Points