Title: Fallout New Vegas Cheat Terminal Mod Pack (v11)
Platform: PlayStation 3
Game: Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
A Terminal in Doc Mitchell's house located next to his Vigor machine with lots of options for cheating and other useful
options. Also includes a portable cheat terminal located in your Pipboy inventory.
On the Terminal you can (among with many more features) do the following:
Set SPECIALs and skills to 10 one-by-one or fine tune each of them to your liking.
Add perks and traits. Normal perks, companion perks, challenge perks, implant perks and even perks from Fallout
3 which were not included in NV. Also the option to remove each of the perks and traits.
Items and equipment. All weapons, armor, aid, ammo (Regarding the 50MG ammo - don't add too much as it can crash your game - please refer to the readme.txt included with release for additional information), weapon mods, meds, food, drinks, books, caps and miscellaneous items are obtainable from the terminal. The option to add/remove a portable version of the terminal accessible from Items and equipment to take with you into the wasteland. Select it in Pipboy listed under Aid and exit Pipboy will bring up all the terminals options.
Please read the readme.txt about this mod pack and the features it adds to the game along with credits, version history and further information about it's included content, how to apply the mod pack to your installation of New Vegas and more.