PyTorch Implementation of Complex Convolution Neural Network model (Complex DeepLab v3) on STFT time-varying frequency components for audio denoising, (A. C. Parra, 2022)
Original Code from
Code was adapted to work for Deep Lab V3 Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation, (L-C. Chen et al., 2017)
Reimplementation of DeepLabV3 to work with complex numbers
DeepLabv3 base code:
FCN head base code:
Resnet base code:
New functions adapted from
They were built to run with complex types for pytorch. I had to change them to work with floats with 1 extra dimension of size 2 (Real, Imaginary)
New Functions and classes: ComplexAdaptiveAvgPool2d ComplexMaxPool2d ComplexReLU ComplexDropout complex_interpolate
See file requirements.txt
Download Datasets:
python ComplexDeepLabV3/ \
--batch_size 2 \
--train_signal Data/DS_10283_2791/Train/clean_trainset_28spk_wav \
--train_noise Data/DS_10283_2791/Train/noisy_trainset_28spk_wav \
--test_signal Data/DS_10283_2791/Test/clean_testset_wav \
--test_noise Data/DS_10283_2791/Test/noisy_testset_wav \
--ckpt checkpoints/checkpoint.pth \
--num_step 300 \
--validation_interval 150\