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Vuetify date-range-picker

A date range picker based on Vueitfy

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


Live demo :

alt text



Name Default Type Description
allow-back-in-time true Boolean Instructs range-picker to allow range
selection that are earlier than today.
auto-hide false Boolean Selecting the range start and end dates
in the same month reduces the picker
count to one focused on that month
auto-focus false Boolean Setting auto-focus instructs the picker
to focus the range start date in the master
auto-size false Boolean Setting auto-hide reduces the picker count
based on the screen size. This is especially
important on mobile screens.
color null Array Extends the date-picker color property by
accepting an array of strings that can
correspond to the number of pickers.
header-color [] Array Extends the date-picker head-color property
by accepting an array of strings that
can correspond to the number of pickers.
hide-disabled false Boolean Hide disabled navigation icons
is-drawer-open false Boolean Controls visibility of the options drawer.
Has effect only if the optionsDrawer slot is
populated. Make sure to bind the same data
element to both the date-range-picker
and the date-range-drawer.
live-update false Boolean If enabled, the component will upate its
model as the user makes selections.
max-width null Number Default behavior of the picker widget is
to display pickers in a row. Adjusting
max-width will cause the row to wrap.
mode 'fuzzy' String When allow-back-in-time is disabled,
this controls the logic for rejecting date
selections. Applies only with shortcuts
as the UI is blocked from selecting past dates.
See below for more information
num-pickers 2 Number Controls the number of date-pickers displayed
within the date-range-picker interface.
multi-range false Boolean TODO: Controls the ability to select multiple
date ranges. This functionality is required
when comparing dates such as Q1 and Q2
or W13 with W13 of previous year.
range-colors null Array TODO: When multi-range is enabled, controls
the colors used to highlight selected ranges.
reset-view-on-clear true Boolean Controls picker focus date when the
date-range-picker is cleared. If enabled,
the picker will focus to the start-date
(if set) or today's date.
start-date null String Date


Name Payload Description
input Array of strings Bind to a function to process the range
set by the user.
update Array of strings Bind to a function to process live updates.
update:pickerDate String Handle changes to the date-picker mode.
Should bind picker-date to a local
data property to enable proper
view resets.
update:pickerVisible Boolean Event fired when the user hides the picker drawer.

Options Events

Name Payload Description
info String Applicable to included implementation of the optionsDrawer and optionsPanel.
Message based on date user selected.
warning String Applicable to included implementation of the optionsDrawer and optionsPanel.
Warning message based on date user selected.
error String Applicable to included implementation of the optionsDrawer and optionsPanel.
Error message based on date user selected.

Package Contents

In addition to the VDateRangePicker component, this package includes a shortcut drawer and panel
implementation as well as some mixins that may be useful depending on the application.

File name Location Description
DateRangePicker src\components\DateRangePicker.vue Implements VDateRangePicker component
Import the component globally or locally
DateRangeDrawer src\components\DateRangeDrawer.vue Implements shortcut drawer for use in
optionsDrawer slot
DateRangePanel src\components\DateRangePanel.vue Implements shortcut panel for use in
optionsPanel slot
DateHelper src\mixins\DateHelper.js Helper for your application that provides
useful functions to manipulate dates.
See below for more information.
DateRangeEvents src\components\mixins\DateRangeEvents.js Mixin for shortcut events.
DateRangePlugin src\components\mixins\DateRangePlugin.js Mixin that provides logic for shortcut
click handlers.
DateRangeShortcutsFinance src\components\mixins\DateRangeShortcutsFinance.js Defines shortcuts and associated actions.
DateRangePanel and DateRangeDrawer
wraps this base file.
See below for more information.
DateAPI src\components\mixins\DateAPIs\DateAPI.moment.js Mixin that encapsulates external date
library for base functions. Package
contains an implementation using
moment.js and days.js


Package Purpose
Vuetify DateRange The base VDateRangePicker extends Vuetify's VDateRange components
vue-responsive-components Implements resize observer for vue components. This is required to properly
handle screen resizing.

Installation and Usage


yard add vuetify-daterange-selector


nmp install --save vuetify-daterange-selector

Install as a Plugin

// main.js
import VDateRangePicker from "vuetify-daterange-selector"

Import in Components

import { VDateRangePicker } from "vuetify-daterange-selector"
export default {
    components: { VDateRangePicker }


    <v-date-range-picker v-model="dates"></v-date-range-picker>
    /** uncomment to import component locally **/
    //import { VDateRangePicker } from "vuetify-daterange-selector"
    export default {
        components: {VDateRangePicker},
        data: () => ({
            dates: []


The date-range picker requires loading for language files and does not have any fallback mechanism if the
language strings are missing.

To accomplish this simply import the language files as per the Vuetify documenation :


/** Language files */
import en from './components/lang/en.js'  //required
import fr from './components/lang/fr.js'

Vue.use(Vuetify, {
    lang: {
        locales: { en, fr },


It is customary with date-range pickers to provide extra UI that offers shortcuts for range selection such
as this week, last week and last month. The purpose is to provide one-click shortcuts to frequently
used date ranges. Typically these shortcuts would extend the required size of the date picker by adding a
seperate section such as this implementation:

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To accomplish this, the date-range-picker component implements two slots named drawerOptions and panelOptions.
Instead of occupying precious pixel real estate for the shortcut controls, this date-range-picker attempts to offer the same functionality that users have come to expect with the following scheme:

  • drawerOptions: The draawerOptions slot, as the name suggests, adds a temporary drawer to the date-range-picker UI.

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When the is slot is populated, the UI automatically displays a button in the action tray to activate the drawer.

  • panelOptions: The panelOptions slot on the other hand adds controls right-justified within the action tray.

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The panel displays component sets within horizontal expansion panels that are useful in reducing the amount for horizontal space for large component sets.

The panel offers a more streamlined interface for shortcuts but requires sufficient space in the action tray. The drawer< works nicely within a single picker layout (for example on mobile) but requires a few more clicks to access.

Shortcut implementation

In adition to the VDateRangePicker component, this package also includes VDateRangeDrawer and VDateRangePanel components. These components are esentially UI builders that parse an object to create the UI and associate actions to click events (essentially calls functions by name).

Note: Please note that the VDateRangeDrawer and VDateRangePanel components are example implemenations built on the idea of a simple UI builder.
The developer is free to ignore these components and provide a more streamlined implemenation with hardcoded component and event handlers.

Since requirements for shortcuts vary greatly for every project the objective is to:

  • Break-out the implementation for shortcuts from the base date-range component
  • Make it easy to extend functionaltiy without needing to repeat past implementations (copy/paste)
  • Maximize code re-use by seperating concerns such as isolating base date functions,
    and date manipulation functions from the definition of shortcuts.

Definining shortcuts

Taking a quick look at the DateRangeShortcutsFinance.js file we can quickly gather an understanding of how shortcuts are implemented.

We want to support the following types of shortcuts:

  • Grouped shortcuts: Creates a button group; object types must be v-btn; subsequent actions overwrite previous actions
  • Individual shortcuts: Creates any Vuetify component based on setting the object type; subsequent actions overwrite previous actions
  • Linked shortcuts: Creates any Vuetify component based on setting the object type; ability to reference value of another component in click event handler

The DateRangeShortcutsFinance.js file is a mixin meant to be imported by the component that will be inserted in one of the scoped slots. In the base implemenation that would be the components VDateRangeDrawer and VDateRangePanel. This file implements a data array named pickerOptions which is parsed by the vue template. The array is defined as follows:

One or more objects describing the component set:

Element Type Default Description
groupModel Any null Optional; for grouped component sets
icon String none Optional; used in the drawer component only
show Boolean none Required; Component model; controls expansion state
title String none Text identifying the component set
visible Boolean true Required; Visiblity of component set
type String none Set to 'group' for button groups

Each object should contain one or more objects defined as follows:

Element Type Default Description
action String none Required; Name of function to invoke when component
icon String none Optional; Component icon
if String none Optional; Availability test; validates if component
should be visible
items String none Optional; for components that support items
(example: v-select); function name returning list to display.
label String none Optional; for components that have a label property
loading Boolean false Optional; Applies to components that have a loading state such as a button
multiple Boolean none Optional; for components that support multiple selections
needs String undefined Reference to component who's value is required in the
event handler
ref String undefined Set the reference name of this component; required only
if its value is required in an action defined in another
title String none Text describing the selection
type String none Name of Vuetify component to create
value Any none Optional; base value or component model

Shortcuts combined with the allowBackInTime prop

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Providing a date-range picker with range selection shortcuts while disallowing past dates can become problematic. To help compose with this configuration without reverting to implementing multple shortcut components, date-range picker provides the following functionality:

1 - Evaluate selection before applying

The base implementation includes a trivial rejection test mechanism via the optional property if which instructs the component to:
(a) evaluate if the shortcut should be included in the list
(b) evaluates if the range selected should be applied or ignored

pickerOptions: [
        ...define group
        options: {
            if: 'rangeIsNotPast',  <===== validate before applying date range

2 - Evaluation Mode

In certain situations, a shortcut, even if it contains past dates may still be desired. For example, a shortcut for this week would fail if selected on a Wednesday since the week starts on Sunday and therefore contains past dates. One way to handle these situations is to provide means to control the logic for rejecting date selections. This is were the mode property comes into play. The mode property dictates what should happen when the evaluate function fails.

Mode can be set to 'strict', 'fuzzy', or 'lazy' with the following effects:

Mode Date range test
Strict Date range is reset if any of the trivial reject rules fail
Fuzzy Only the last user selection is tested against the current date.
If the current date falls within or before, it will be allowed or
else [only] the last selection will be rejected
preserving the previous range settings
Lazy Date range as per the last user selection will be tested against the
current date. If the date falls within, the range will be allowed;
else the range will be rejected.

Evaluation Mode Examples

Note: All psuedo code

1 - Shortcuts that do not support multi-select

Strict mode:

// today is February 12, 2019

let range = ['2019-01-01','2019-01-28'];
this.setDateRange(range); //fail

let range = ['2019-02-10','2019-02-16'];
this.setDateRange(range); //fails because the range includes a past date

return this.dateRange; //empty array []

Fuzzy mode:

// today is Febrary 12, 2019

let range = ['2019-01-01','2019-01-28'];
this.setDateRange(range); //fail

let range = ['2019-02-10','2019-02-16'];
this.setDateRange(range); //passes because the current date is within the range

return this.dateRange; // ['2019-02-10','2019-02-16']

Lazy mode:

// today is Febrary 12, 2019

let range = ['2019-01-01','2019-01-28'];
this.setDateRange(range); //fail

let range = ['2019-02-10','2019-02-16'];
this.setDateRange(range); //passes because the current date is within the range

return this.dateRange; // ['2019-02-10','2019-02-16']

2 - Shortcuts with multi-select enabled

Strict mode:

// today is February 12, 2019

let range = []

this.setDateRange(range); //fail, range is now []

this.setDateRange(range); //fails because the range includes a past date

range.push('2019-02-10','2019-02-16','2019-02-17','2019-02-23');  //this will be evaluated as ['2019-02-10','2019-02-23']
this.setDateRange(range); //fails

return this.dateRange; //empty array []

Fuzzy mode:

// today is February 12, 2019

let range = []

this.setDateRange(range); //fail, range is now []

range.push('2019-02-17', '2019-02-23');
this.setDateRange(range); //pass, range is now ['2019-02-17', '2019-02-23']

this.setDateRange(range); //fail, range is still ['2019-02-17', '2019-02-23']
                          //in strict mode this would reset the range

range.push('2019-02-10','2019-02-16'); //range is now ['2019-02-10', '2019-02-23']
this.setDateRange(range); //pass

return this.dateRange; //['2019-02-10', '2019-02-23']

Lazy mode:

// today is February 12, 2019

let range = []

this.setDateRange(range); //fail, range is now []

range.push('2019-02-17', '2019-02-23');
this.setDateRange(range); //pass, range is now ['2019-02-17', '2019-02-23']

range.push('2019-01-01','2019-01-28'); //range is now ['2019-01-01', '2019-02-23']
this.setDateRange(range); //pass,

range.push('2019-02-10','2019-02-16'); //range is still ['2019-01-01', '2019-02-23']
this.setDateRange(range); //pass

return this.dateRange; //['2019-01-01', '2019-02-23']


Date range selector based on Veutifyjs






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