can be installed and loaded either
from the JuliaHub repository (last released version) or from the
maintainer's repository.
The last version of InternalFluidFlow
can be installed from JuliaHub repository:
using Pkg
using InternalFluidFlow
If InternalFluidFlow
is already installed, it can be updated:
using Pkg
using InternalFluidFlow
The pre-release (under construction) version of InternalFluidFlow can be installed from the maintainer's repository.
using Pkg
using InternalFluidFlow
You can cite all versions (both released and pre-released), by using DOI 105281/zenodo.7019888. This DOI represents all versions, and will always resolve to the latest one.
provides the following functions:
- Re2f
- f2Re
- h2fRe
- doPlot
computes the Darcy friction f factor given
the Reynolds number Re and
the relative roughness ε.
Pipe is assumed to be smooth (default is ε = 0). The upper limit for relative roughness is ε = 0.05. If given relative roughness ε > 0.05 is out of bounds then relative roughness is reassigned to ε = 0.05 for tubulent flow. Unless msgs = false is given, user will noticed.
If lam = false is given
then Re2f
disregards the laminar flow bounds (Re < 4e3).
If turb = false is given
then Re2f
disregards the turbulent flow bounds (Re > 2.3e3).
If fig = true is given a schematic Moody diagram is plotted as a graphical representation of the solution.
is a main function of
the InternalFluidFlow
toolbox for Julia.
Re2f(; # Darcy friction factor
Re::Number, # Reynolds number
ε::Number=0, # relative roughness
lam::Bool=true, # default is search within laminar bounds
turb::Bool=true, # default is search within turbulent bounds
msgs::Bool=true, # default is show warning messages
fig::Bool=false # default is hide plot
Compute the Darcy friction factor f given the Reynolds number Re = 120,000 and the relative roughness ε = 3e-3.
flow = Re2f( # Darcy friction factor
Re=120e3, # Reynolds number
ε=3e-3 # relative roughness
flow.Re # Re of the flow
flow.f # f of the flow
Compute the Darcy friction factor f given the Reynolds number Re = 120,000 and the relative roughness ε = 6e-2. In this case, relative roughness is reassigned to ε = 5e-2 for turbulent flow.
Re2f( # Darcy friction factor
Re=120e3, # Reynolds number
ε=6e-2 # relative roughness
Compute the Darcy friction factor f given the Reynolds number Re = 3,500 and the relative roughness ε = 6e-3 and show results on a schematic Moody diagram.
Re2f( # Darcy friction factor
Re=3500, # Reynolds number
ε=6e-3, # relative roughness
fig=true # show plot
computes the Reynolds number Re given
the Darcy friction factor f and
the relative roughness ε
for both laminar and turbulent regime, if possible.
returns solutions found both
within laminar (Re < 4e3) and
within turbulent (Re < 2.3e3) bounds.
Pipe is assumed to be smooth (default is ε = 0). The upper limit for relative roughness is ε = 0.05. If given relative roughness ε > 0.05 is out of bounds then relative roughness is reassigned to ε = 0.05 for tubulent flow. Unless msgs = false is given, user will noticed.
If lam = false is given
then f2Re
disregards the laminar flow bounds (Re < 4e3).
If turb = false is given
then f2Re
disregards the turbulent flow bounds (Re > 2.3e3).
It is possible that no solution be found neither within laminar nor within turbulent bounds (see on examples). Unless msgs = false is given, user will noticed.
If fig = true is given a schematic Moody diagram is plotted as a graphical representation of the solution.
f2Re(; # Reynolds number
f::Number, # Darcy friction factor
ε::Number=0, # relative roughness, default is smooth pipe
lam::Bool=true, # default is search within laminar bounds
turb::Bool=true, # default is search within turbulent bounds
msgs::Bool=true, # default is show warning messages
fig::Bool=false # default is hide plot
Compute the Reynolds number Re given the Darcy friction factor f = 2.8e-2 and the pipe relative roughness ε = 5e-3. In this case, only laminar solution is possible:
flow = f2Re( # Reynolds number
f=2.8e-2, # Darcy friction factor
ε=5e-3 # relative roughness
flow.Re # Re of the laminar flow
flow.f # f of the turbulent flow
Compute the Reynolds number Re given the Darcy friction factor f = 1.8e-2 and the pipe relative roughness ε = 5e-3. In this case, only turbulent solution is possible:
f2Re( # Reynolds number
f=1.8e-2, # Darcy friction factor
ε=5e-3 # relative roughness
Compute the Reynolds number Re given the Darcy friction factor f = 1.2e-2 and the pipe relative roughness ε = 9e-3. In this case, both laminar and turbulent solutions are impossible:
f2Re( # Reynolds number
f=1.2e-2, # Darcy friction factor
ε=9e-3 # relative roughness
Compute the Reynolds number Re given the Darcy friction factor f = 0.028 for a smooth pipe and plot and show results on a schematic Moody diagram. In this case, both laminar and turbulent solutions are possible:
flow = f2Re( # Reynolds number
f=0.028, # Darcy friction factor
fig=true # show plot
lam, turb = flow; # laminar flow and turbulent flow
lam.Re # Re of the laminar flow
turb.f # f of the turbulent flow
computes the Reynolds number Re and
the Darcy friction factor f given
the head loss h in cm,
the pipe hydraulic diameter D in cm or
the flow speed v in cm/s or
the volumetric flow rate Q in cc/s (D or Q or v)
the pipe length L in cm (default L = 100 cm),
the pipe roughness k in cm or
the pipe relative roughness ε (ε or k)
the fluid density ρ in g/cc (default ρ = 0.997 g/cc),
the fluid dynamic viscosity μ in g/cm/s (default μ = 0.0091 g/cm/s), and
the gravitational accelaration g in cm/s/s (default g = 981 cm/s/s).
returns solutions found both
within laminar (Re < 4e3) and within turbulent (Re < 2.3e3) bounds.
Pipe is assumed to be 100 cm long (default is L = 100).
Fluid is assumed to be water at 25 °C, with 0.997 g/cc density and 0.0091 g/cm/s dynamic viscosity (default is ρ = 0.997 and μ = 0.0091).
Gravitational acceleration is assumed to be 981 cm/s/s (default is g = 981).
Notice that default parameters are given in the cgs unit system and all parameters must be given in a consistent unit system.
The upper limit for relative roughness is ε = 0.05. If either given or calculated relative roughness ε > 0.05 is out of bounds then relative roughness is reassigned to ε = 0.05 for tubulent flow. Unless msgs = false is given, user will noticed.
If lam = false is given then
disregards the laminar flow bounds (Re < 4e3).
If turb = false is given then
disregards the turbulent flow bounds (Re > 2.3e3).
It is possible that no solution be found neither within laminar nor within turbulent bounds (see on examples). Unless msgs = false is given, user will noticed.
If fig = true is given a schematic Moody diagram is plotted as a graphical representation of the solution.
h2fRe(; # Reynolds number Re and Darcy friction factor f
h::Number; # head loss in cm
L::Number=100, # pipe length in cm
ε::Number=NaN, # pipe relative roughness
k::Number=NaN, # pipe roughness in cm
D::Number=NaN, # pipe hydraulic diameter in cm
v::Number=NaN, # flow speed in cm/s
Q::Number=NaN, # volumetric flow rate in cc/s
ρ::Number=0.997, # fluid dynamic density in g/cc
μ::Number=0.0091, # fluid dynamic viscosity in g/cm/s
g::Number=981, # gravitational accelaration in cm/s/s
lam::Bool=true, # default is search within laminar bounds
turb::Bool=true, # default is search within turbulent bounds
msgs::Bool=true, # default is show warning messages
fig::Bool=false # default is hide plot
Compute the Reynolds number Re and the Darcy friction factor f given the head loss h = 262 mm, the pipe hydraulic diameter D = 10 mm, the pipe length L = 25 m and the pipe relative roughness ε = 0, the fluid density ρ = 0.989 g/cc and the fluid dynamic viscosity μ = 0.89 cP. In this case, both laminar and turbulent solutions are possible (at their limit bounds!):
flow = h2fRe( # Reynolds number Re and Darcy friction factor f
h=262e-1, # head loss in cm
D=10e-1, # volumetric flow rate in cc/s
L=25e2, # pipe length in cm
ε=0, # pipe relative roughness
ρ=0.989, # fluid dynamic density in g/cc
μ=8.9e-3, # fluid dynamic viscosity in g/cm/s
fig=true # show plot
lam, turb = flow; # laminar flow and turbulent flow
lam.Re # Re of the laminar flow
turb.f # f of the turb flow
Compute the Reynolds number Re and
the Darcy friction factor f given
the head loss h = 270 mm,
the pipe hydraulic diameter D = 10 mm,
the pipe length L = 25 m and
the pipe relative roughness ε = 0.02,
the fluid density ρ = 0.989 g/cc and
the fluid dynamic viscosity μ = 0.89 cP.
This is an extraordinary situation as there is no solution
within laminar bounds (Re < 4e3) and
within turbulent bounds (Re > 2.3e3) and
returns Nothing
h2fRe( # Reynolds number Re and Darcy friction factor f
h=270e-1, # head loss in cm
D=10e-1, # volumetric flow rate in cc/s
L=25e2, # pipe length in cm
ε=0.02, # pipe relative roughness
ρ=0.989, # fluid dynamic density in g/cc
μ=8.9e-3, # fluid dynamic viscosity in g/cm/s
fig=true # show plot
Compute the Reynolds number Re and
the Darcy friction factor f, given
the head loss h = 40 cm,
the pipe hydraulic diameter D = 10 mm,
the pipe length L = 25 m and
the pipe roughness k = 0.30 mm,
for water flow.
In this case, pipe roughness is converted to relative roughness ε = k / D and h2fRe
is called again:
h2fRe( # Reynolds number Re and Darcy friction factor f
h=40, # head loss in cm
D=10e-1, # pipe hyraulic diameter in cm
L=25e2, # pipe length in cm
k=0.30e-1 # pipe roughness in cm
Compute the Reynolds number Re and the Darcy friction factor f given the head loss per meter h/L = 1.6 cm/m, the volumetric flow rate Q = 8.6 L/s, the pipe length L = 25 m, the pipe roughness k = 0.08 cm, the fluid density ρ = 0.989 g/cc and the fluid dynamic viscosity μ = 0.89 cP.
h2fRe( # Reynolds number Re and Darcy friction factor f
h=1.6*25, # head loss in cm
Q=8.6e3, # volumetric flow rate in cc/s
L=25e2, # pipe length in cm
k=0.08, # pipe roughness in cm
ρ=0.989, # fluid dynamic density in g/cc
μ=8.9e-3 # fluid dynamic viscosity in g/cm/s
Compute the Reynolds number Re and the Darcy friction factor f, given the head loss h = 0.30 m, the flow speed v = 25 cm/s, the pipe length L = 25 m, the pipe roughness k = 0.02 cm for water flow and show results on a schematic Moody diagram. In this case, both laminar and turbulent solutions are possible:
h2fRe( # Reynolds number Re and Darcy friction factor f
h=0.30e2, # head loss in cm
v=25, # flow speed in cm/s
L=25e2, # pipe length in cm
k=0.02, # pipe roughness in cm
fig=true # show plot
Compute the Reynolds number Re and the Darcy friction factor f, given the head loss h = 0.12 m, the flow speed v = 23 cm/s, the pipe length L = 25 m, the pipe roughness k = 0.3 cm for water flow and show results on a schematic Moody diagram. In this case, both laminar and turbulent solutions are possible, however laminar flow is extended to Re = 4e3 and relative roughness is reassigned to maximum ε = 5e-2 for tubulent flow:
flow = h2fRe( # Reynolds number Re and Darcy friction factor f
h=0.12e2, # head loss in cm
v=23, # flow speed in cm/s
L=25e2, # pipe length in cm
k=0.3, # pipe roughness in cm
fig=true # show plot
lam, turb = flow; # laminar flow and turbulent flow
lam.Re # Re of the laminar flow
lam.ε # ε of the laminar flow
turb.f # f of the turbulent flow
turb.ε # ε of the turbulent flow
produces a schematic Moody diagram
including the the turbulent line for given relative roughness ε
(default is smooth pipe, ε = 0).
ε::Number=0, # pipe relative roughness
back::Symbol=:white # background color
Build a schematic Moody diagram with transparent background with one extra line for turbulent flow with ε = 4.5e-3.
ε=4.5e-3, # extra turbulent line in Moody diagram
back=:transparent # transparent background
using Plots
McCabeThiele.jl, Psychrometrics.jl, PonchonSavarit.jl.
Copyright © 2022 2023 2024 Alexandre Umpierre