0.6.0 - The queue update
That's the big thing. That's why I wrote it in big text. Now you can queue up a list of sprite mods, and save/load presets.
Why? I don't know about you, but when I wanna do a rando, I have this long list of things I want to re-roll. Now, I just load up a preset and hit Apply, instead of having to think about "Do I want to fresh-start this, or shuffle colours on that?" See below:
Anyway, here's what changed since 0.5.0:
App changes
- No longer applies one sprite/variant at a time, now you queue them up (Can just queue 1 and hit apply if you don't want anything fancy)
- Can double-click a variant to queue it up instead of clicking "Add to queue"
- When queued, the item will have the 3 checkboxes (Fresh, shuffle, chaos) set as whatever is checked off at the top at the time
- You can then change that in the queue if you made a mistake
- You can delete items from the queue by clicking the X button
- You can move items up/down the queue by clicking the up/down arrows.
- Mouse will (should?) move with the item that you're scrolling, so you don't have to move your mouse every time, if you're moving something multiple times
- Stores some settings locally now (Current app version, game install directory, and font-size)
- Offers to check on ner app version for new sprites (Though doesn't yet update existing ones, since overwriting stuff could be frustrating for users)
- Color shuffle is now faster
- Chaos shuffle's minimum hue adjustment (For extra chaos) now applies to non-color-masked sprites, as well
- Some buttons on the UI will be disabled while the app is working on stuff, to avoid confusing it
- Variants now support an
file, which allows a basic HTML info/credits popup.- Will probably add a feature to redownload/force update stuff in this area, down the road...
Sprite updates
- Added/updated some color masks