Application finding the shortest path using neural networks and genetic algorithms.
Built together with @dpasca who developed Model 1
- Git
- CMake
- clang
- Fortran
- HDF5
- OpenGL
- Dear ImGui
- implot
To get started with the path finding:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the repository directory:
cd path-finding-nn
- Initialize and update the submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Further update of the submodule can be done with the command:
git submodule update --remote
- Compile the libraries in
cd externals/ma-libs
# optional steps if dependencies are not installed globally
# ./ -d
# ./ -b
./ --build-type Debug --cmake-params "-DCPP_LIBNN=ON -DCPP_LIBGRAPHIC_ENGINE=ON"
./ --build-type Release --cmake-params "-DCPP_LIBNN=ON -DCPP_LIBGRAPHIC_ENGINE=ON"
cd ../..
If any error or missing dependencies please look at the instructions here
- Compile the binaries
./ -t Release (or -t Debug)
- Run the program