The script aims to create a new network on the Meraki Dashboard in an Organization and to configure the new network based on a template that is being configured.
All configuration data are read from the Informations_File.xlsx file.
Before starting the Python script, change the following parameters and compile Informations_File.xlsx file.
API_KEY: insert your personal Meraki API key
xlsx_dataframe: you can change working folder on your IDE, place the script anche the xlsx file in the same folder and open the terminal or you fan add the complete path to you file. For esample: r'C:\Users\ba1090\Documents\Script\MerakiInformations_File.xlsx'.
org_id: Organization ID that you are working on. You can find the Organization ID with: GET
template_id: ID of the template you have created on the Meraki Dashboard. You can find the template ID with: GET<ORGANIZATION_ID>/configTemplates
time_zone: time zone of the network you are creating. For example: 'Europe/Rome'
serial: Serial ID of the new device. It must be not used.
netname: Name of the new network.
nettag: Tag to be added to the network.
address: Address of the city where you will install the device.
zipcode: Zip Code of city.
city: City where you will install the device.
vlan: VLAN ID of the network you are using.
ipnet: Network to be assigned to the device.
ipdev: IP address to be assigned to the device.