- Install python
- Install dependencies
- Clone PycQED_py3 git repository
We recommend using anaconda python (3.5+) as it covers most dependencies
Besides the standard scientific python packages we require the following packages.
- qcodes (see note below)
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- lmfit
- uncertainties
- seaborn
- h5py
- pyvisa
- pyqtgraph (live-plotting)
- cython (only for specific drivers) cython on windows
- flake8 (to ensure proper linting when editing code)
These can be installed by typing (on the command line)
pip install 'package name'
or in some cases
conda install 'package name'
Note: currently (15 feb 2018) in DiCarlo lab a specific fork of qcodes is used. Use that fork (https://github.com/DiCarloLab-Delft/Qcodes) instead of the version available on pip.
After cloning PycQED go to the directory where you cloned PycQED and enter: python setup.py develop
You can start a session by import pycqed as pq