This repository serves as a roadmap to my advanced Computer Vision projects implemented with TensorFlow.
Please feel free to contribute in these repositories.
Transfer Learning for binary classification (link)
This repository provides a practical guide on using transfer learning for binary classification tasks using TensorFlow.
Transfer Learning for multi-class classification (link)
This repository contains code and resources for performing multi-class classification on the CIFAR-10 dataset using transfer learning.
Object Localization and Classification with One Network on MNIST Dataset (link)
In this notebook, you'll build a CNN from scratch to:
classify the main subject in an image localize it by drawing bounding boxes around it. You'll use the MNIST dataset to synthesize a custom dataset for the task:
Place each "digit" image on a black canvas of width 75 x 75 at random locations. Calculate the corresponding bounding boxes for those "digits". The bounding box prediction can be modelled as a "regression" task, which means that the model will predict a numeric value (as opposed to a category)
Calculate the IOU (Intersection Over Union) metric to evaluate the model's performance
Predicting Bounding Boxes for Object Detection (link)
- In this repository we use tensorflow hub pretrained modules to detect objects in images and draw bounding boxes around the detected objects using the outputs.
Interactive Eager Few Shot Od Training Colab (link)
- In this repository we demonstrate fine tuning of a (TF2 friendly) RetinaNet architecture on very few examples of a novel class after initializing from a pre-trained COCO checkpoint.
Few-Shot Learning with Only 5 Images (link)
- In this repository, we leverage the power of few-shot learning combined with a transfer learning approach to tackle the task of object detection.