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AiiDA plugin that uses finite displacements and fields to compute phonon properties, dielectric, Born effective charges, Raman and non-linear optical susceptibility tensors, coming with lots of post-processing tools to compute infrared and Raman spectra in different settings.

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To install from PyPI, simply execute:

pip install aiida-vibroscopy

or when installing from source:

git clone
pip install .

Command line interface tool

The plugin comes with a builtin CLI tool: aiida-vibroscopy. For example, the following command should print:

> aiida-vibroscopy launch --help
Usage: aiida-vibroscopy launch [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Launch workflows.

  -v, --verbosity [notset|debug|info|report|warning|error|critical]
                                  Set the verbosity of the output.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  dielectric      Run an `DielectricWorkChain`.
  harmonic        Run a `HarmonicWorkChain`.
  iraman-spectra  Run an `IRamanSpectraWorkChain`.
  phonon          Run an `PhononWorkChain`.

How to cite

If you use this plugin for your research, please cite the following works:

Please, also cite the underlying Quantum ESPRESSO and Phonopy codes references.


The aiida-vibroscopy plugin package is released under a special academic license. See the LICENSE.txt file for more details.


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