This is a ONE Distributor - MULTIPLE BUYERS kind of e-commerce site.
it is build with the business logic of a local animal feeds factory.
It has regular buy sell features of a common e-commerce site ie:
home-view : for all stock products
product-view: for single product details
checkout :handles shipping addresses
payment : uses mpesa api to handle mobile payments
order success page : gives you a unique refference code if order is successfull
the site has an agent system which works by registering regular users to annonymous agents, giving them a profile and agent code
this code is what the agent uses when they order for a client on the site. The agent goes and gets clients to shop on the site for animal feeds,
the agent-code is used as a promocode which earns a commission to the agent.
this site has an admin page to handle all stock ,users, payments, shipping and overall management of the site. the owner of the site decides which products can be sold and after a client orders ,the site managerrelays the orders to the person who handels the orders
the order agent calls the clients to confirm orders and specific location details