This project is a chat application built using Django Channels and WebSocket protocol. It allows multiple users to join a chat room and send and receive messages in real-time.
When a user joins the chat room, the user is assigned a unique WebSocket channel, and the user's messages are sent through this channel. Other users in the same chat room can listen to this channel and receive the messages.
The tools used in this project are Django, Django Channels, WebSocket, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Django is a high-level Python web framework used for rapid development, and Django Channels is an extension that allows the use of WebSockets and asynchronous code in Django. WebSocket is a protocol that provides a two-way communication channel between a client and a server over a single TCP connection. JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are used to create the frontend of the chat application.
Clone the repository from GitHub using the command:
git clone
Create a virtual environment using the command:
python -m venv env
Activate the virtual environment using the command:
source env/bin/activate
Install the required Python packages using the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Navigate to the project directory using the command:
cd Django-Chat-Application
Apply the migrations using the command:
python migrate
Run the Django development server using the command:
python runserver
Open another terminal window and activate the virtual environment again.
Run the Daphne server using the command:
daphne chat_mallu.asgi:application --port 8080
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000/.
Enter a username and click on the "Enter Chatroom" button.
Open another browser window or tab and navigate to the same URL.
Enter another username and click on the "Enter Chatroom" button.
You should now be able to see both users in the chatroom. Type a message in one window and it should appear in the other window.
That's it! You should now have a working chat application.
I am a skilled software developer with over three years of experience in delivering secure and reliable applications. My expertise lies in back-end user development and AI-related work. Currently, I am employed as an AI and Full Stack Django Web Developer at Sayone Technology Ltd., a US-based IT firm. I have a strong background in Python programming and am dedicated to continuously improving my skills and knowledge in the field.