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ReactJS pet projects

Brief descriptions

Each project has its own file for more detailed information.

  1. task-tracker: Task tracker application with ReactJS and JSON-server (mainly CRUD)
  2. contact-app: Contact management application with ReactJS and JSON-server (mainly CRUD)
  3. react-hook: To understand different React hooks and their use-cases
  4. subtitles-editor: Subtitle editor allows user to edit and save subtitles for video.
  5. portfolio: Build a personal portfolio website using React and Animate CSS.
  6. material-ui: Re-implement image album using Material UI 5
  7. material-ui-p2: Fully responsive modern social media page using Material UI 5
  8. codex: Chat application (bootstrapped with Vite) allow communication with advanced GPT3 model API
  9. unichat: Build a full-fledged Firebase Chat Application with ChatEngine and different social authentication including Google and Facebook using Firebase.
  10. metube: A Youtube clone application consisting of stunning video sections, custom categories, channel pages, video searching and, most importantly, video player. The video data are mainly fetched from Rapid API.
  11. next-portfolio: A modern portfolio buit using Next.js.
  12. musify: A Spotify clone application With modern homepage, fully-fledged music player, search, lyrics, song exploration features, search, popular music around us, worldwide top charts.
  13. moments: Modern Social Media Website using React, Nextjs, TypeScript and Sanity (backend). This application includes the ability to upload, publish, share, comment on, and like videos; filter by categories and advanced search functionalities, profile pages, suggested accounts, custom responsive design, and much more. The user data is secure by default using next-auth session promoted with many OAuth services like Google/GitHub.
  14. imagine: an AI image generation application using DALL-E 2 API allows users to generate beautiful and surprising images based on specified prompt. Users can also share their images to the community showcases.
  15. 3d-shirt: a T-shirt customization application using threejs and DALL-E 2 API allows users to customize their T-shirt using their favorite color, logo, and pattern, or ask AI to generate stunning and attractive logos and patterns for their shirt.