ReactJS pet projects
Each project has its own
file for more detailed information.
- task-tracker: Task tracker application with ReactJS and JSON-server (mainly CRUD)
- contact-app: Contact management application with ReactJS and JSON-server (mainly CRUD)
- react-hook: To understand different React hooks and their use-cases
- subtitles-editor: Subtitle editor allows user to edit and save subtitles for video.
- portfolio: Build a personal portfolio website using React and Animate CSS.
- material-ui: Re-implement image album using Material UI 5
- material-ui-p2: Fully responsive modern social media page using Material UI 5
- codex: Chat application (bootstrapped with Vite) allow communication with advanced GPT3 model API
- unichat: Build a full-fledged Firebase Chat Application with ChatEngine and different social authentication including Google and Facebook using Firebase.
- metube: A Youtube clone application consisting of stunning video sections, custom categories, channel pages, video searching and, most importantly, video player. The video data are mainly fetched from Rapid API.
- next-portfolio: A modern portfolio buit using Next.js.
- musify: A Spotify clone application With modern homepage, fully-fledged music player, search, lyrics, song exploration features, search, popular music around us, worldwide top charts.
- moments: Modern Social Media Website using React, Nextjs, TypeScript and Sanity (backend). This application includes the ability to upload, publish, share, comment on, and like videos; filter by categories and advanced search functionalities, profile pages, suggested accounts, custom responsive design, and much more. The user data is secure by default using
session promoted with many OAuth services like Google/GitHub. - imagine: an AI image generation application using DALL-E 2 API allows users to generate beautiful and surprising images based on specified prompt. Users can also share their images to the community showcases.
- 3d-shirt: a T-shirt customization application using threejs and DALL-E 2 API allows users to customize their T-shirt using their favorite color, logo, and pattern, or ask AI to generate stunning and attractive logos and patterns for their shirt.