Selected census datasets and scripts for getting more data
The current project has two goals
Given a set of data points corresponding to physical locations (e.g. address or latitude and longitude), we would like to construct a summary demographic.
Given a particular demographic description, can we identify census divisions that have similar properties.
As an example, if we are interested in an outreach program to target low-income senior citizens, which census regions should be targeted?
How do we compare different census regions?
Upload scripts for getting census data
Upload a sample of data to begin working with
Identify relevant census variables that make for meaningful comparisons (e.g. income, age, level of education)
You will need to install a few python packages for this to work. I will try to add a setup file, but in the mean time you will need to pip install
the following packages (if you don't have them already):
I have also assumed that you have iPython notebook installed. Standalone python scripts will be up soon.