Simple to use multi-tab text editor with undo/redo support + english dictionary
- Plain text documents (TXT)
- Enhanced Text documents (BWD) - text and styling (bold, italic etc)
- Advanced Text documents (BWP) - text, styling, alignment and image support
- Portable
- Customisable GUI - choose from different colors, frames, fonts etc
- Multi-level undo/redo
- Custom built text box using low-level wordcore engine by Blaiz Enterprises
- English Dictionary with 296,800+ words
- Integrated backup system - automatically save backups during significant document changes
- Backup folder option - click to save folder contents to a ZIP archive
- Realtime word count
- Realtime words typed (persistent)
- Realtime word rate (words typed per hour - persistent)
- Word Wrap Styles: None, Window, Page, Page + 2x (double line) and Manuscript
- Find text option
- Spell check option
- Edit main dictionary and supplementary dictionaries 1 and 2
- Does not support unicode - ascii text only