A fork to use docker for the deployment, there will be three containers :
- the benchmark web application
- the neo4j database
- the sql server database It will be launch through a docker-compose
This project enables you to benchmark graph and relational databases to compare their performance.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them:
To be able to connect to the Microsoft SQL database that will be created using the creation scripts below, there is a need to set up a Microsoft SQL Server on your local computer.
Neo4j Desktop Client also needs to be installed to be able to query the created Neo4j database, it can be downloaded here.
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Install required dependencies for both python and node
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install
Add environment variables into a .env file
# .env
To create the Microsoft SQL Server database, run the following
sqlcmd -i "backend/api/db/out/sql/create_db.sql"
Neo4j databases are easiest created in the Neo4j desktop client by clicking 'Projects' -> 'New' -> 'Add Graph' -> 'Start'.
The web app will automatically connect to the Neo4j database that is currently running.
! Important: Remove (comment out) the config option:
from Neo4j -> Database -> Settings before population the graph database with fake data.
To populate the databases with fake data, run the following
npm run setup
This script runs reset_sql.sh -u && reset_cypher.sh
in the backend/api/db
Note: Only the first data population command needs the argument -u, as it creates the data which will be used to populate both databases. Nothing bad will happen if -u is provided to both scripts, the process will just take twice as long.
To start the development server, run
npm start
which will start the web app at http://localhost:8080 as well as starting the backend server.
In the web app, pressing a tab and the 'refresh'-button will run the query shown at the bottom of the page a given amount of times.
The amount of query runs can be specified through the tab 'Configuration' -> Specify Query Amount -> 'Save'.
Note: Some queries, e.g. the queries in the 'documents' and 'histories' tab take a very long time and can therefore only be run a few times without the request timing out.
To analyse the complexity of the queries that are used for the benchmark, run the following command:
./complexity_analyzer.sh cypher_argument sql_argument
Where cypher_argument and sql_argument are the queries that are to be compared, e.g.
./complexity_analyzer.sh match select
will compare the complexity of the cypher match queries that correspond to the select queries in SQL.
- Jan Zubac - JanZubac
- Victor Winberg - VictorWinberg
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details