(AKA Vera-DB-Lookup)
This script is a wrapper around the veraocde SCA Agent based scanner. The Veracode SCA Agent-Based Scanner must be installed and activated prior to using the script. See Requirements: https://docs.veracode.com/r/Setting_Up_Agent_Based_Scans
Veracode Database Look Up Tool to query the Veracode Vulnerability Database This is the repo where updates the latest updates of the scripts will be pushed. Development of the script is done in another repo
In order to utilize the script, the bash script simply needs to be placed on a system or location where the Veracode SCA Agent-Based scanner srcclr
is installed and activated.
The goal is for future versions to check the system and see if python is installed, see if docker is enabled, and see if java is installed to check that the system meets the requirements for use.
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