This tutorial describes how to install the Crypti - Delegate and Developer Edition, using a Docker based container.
- Download and install Docker Toolbox for your operating system.
- Open the Docker Quickstart Terminal.
You can optionally login to your Docker virtual machine, using PuTTY or any other SSH client.
To do so, please use the following credentials:
- Host:
- Port:
- Login:
- Password:
Log onto your Ubuntu based server and enter the following commands:
NOTE: The following is only applicable to: Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) - x86_64.
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y docker-engine
To install and run the latest version of Crypti - Delegate and Developer Edition, simply run the following commands:
Download the latest docker image:
curl -o docker_image.tar.gz
zcat docker_image.tar.gz | docker load
Install the docker image (executed only once per installation):
docker run -d --restart=always -p cryptichain/node
NOTE: On Windows or Mac OS X, these commands are issued from within the Docker Quickstart Terminal.
Upon successful completion, you will have a running Crypti node with an up-to-date snapshot of the blockchain. The container is configured to automatically restart upon reboot of the server or any occurrence of an error.
To access the Crypti web client, open:, or replace with your public IP address.
The Crypti web client should launch successfully.
To update to the latest version of Crypti - Delegate and Developer Edition, simply run the following commands:
WARNING: The provided instructions will remove the previous container and create a new one. Please be sure to backup any data before proceeding. See: docker cp --help
for more information on how to copy files from the container to the host machine.
Get the docker container id:
docker ps -a
Stop the docker container (replace container_id with your own id):
docker stop container_id
Remove the old container (replace container_id with your own id):
docker rm container_id
Download the latest docker image:
docker pull cryptichain/node
Install the docker image (executed only once per installation):
docker run -d --restart=always -p cryptichain/node
Remove any dangling images:
docker rmi $(docker images -q --filter "dangling=true")
Your docker image should now be updated.
To enable forging for one or more delegates, simply follow the below instructions.
Get the docker container id:
docker ps -a
Open a bash prompt on the docker container (replace container_id with your own id):
docker exec -it container_id bash
Open config.json:
export TERM=xterm; nano config.json
Arrow down until you find the following section:
"forging": {
"secret" : [""]
Set the secret parameter to your account secret phrase.
"forging": {
"secret" : ["YourDelegatePassphrase"] <- Replace with your delegate passphrase
(Optional) In the forging section you will also see an access property, this is used to allow only your IP address to enable forging through the web client.
"access": {
"whiteList": [""] <- Replace with the IP which you will use to access your node
To set 2 accounts to forge on a single node, enter both account passphrases like below.
"forging": {
"secret" : ["YourDelegatePassphrase1","YourDelegatePassphrase2"] <- Replace with your delegate passphrases
"access": {
"whiteList": [""]
After you have typed in your passphrase. Hit: Ctrl+ X
Then: Y
Exit the docker container:
Restart the docker container (replace container_id with your own id):
docker restart container_id
Then, open the Crypti web client and wait for the blockchain to load. Once the blockchain has loaded, navigate to "Forging" section, and verify that Forging (Enabled) appears in the top left corner.
NOTE: To complete this step you require a signed certificate (from a CA) and a public and private key pair.
Get the docker container id:
docker ps -a
Open a bash prompt on the docker container (replace container_id with your own id):
docker exec -it container_id bash
Open config.json:
export TERM=xterm; nano config.json
Arrow down until you find the following section:
"ssl": {
"enabled": false, < Change FROM false TO true
"options": {
"port": 443, < Default SSL Port
"address": "", < Change only if you wish to block web access to the node
"key": "path_to_key", < Replace FROM path_to_key TO actual path to key file
"cert": "path_to_cert" < Replace FROM path_to_cert TO actual path to certificate file
After you are done, save changes and exit. Hit: Ctrl+ X
Then: Y
Exit the docker container:
Stop the docker container (replace container_id with your own id):
docker stop container_id
Commit a new docker image (replace container_id with your own id):
docker commit container_id secure_node
Run the new docker image:
docker run -d --restart=always -p secure_node
Open the web client. You should now have an SSL enabled connection.
Listed below, are the available commands, which can be used to manage your docker container.
To see a list of running docker containers:
docker ps -a
To access a bash prompt on a docker container:
docker exec -it container_id bash
To monitor the status of a docker container:
docker stats container_id
To monitor the log file of a docker container:
docker logs --tail=500 -f container_id
To stop/restart/start a docker container:
docker stop container_id
docker restart container_id
docker start container_id
To view a full list of available commands:
docker --help
For further information on how to install or use Docker, please read the official Docker Documentation.
If you encounter the following error when running docker
cannot enable tty mode on non tty input
Then please try running each command prefixed with winpty
. For example: winpty docker ps -a
If you encounter the following error when running docker
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
Then please try running each command prefixed with sudo
. For example: sudo docker ps -a
If this does not work, please check the Docker daemon is running correctly before proceeding.
If you encounter an error while downloading the docker image, using the docker pull
Please use the following alternative download method:
curl -o docker_image.tar.gz
zcat docker_image.tar.gz | docker load
Then proceed with the remainder of the installation instructions.