- compiler for Andrew Appel's Tiger language with a few tweaks.
- written in Free Pascal.
- compiles to inefficient assembly language for Mac OS X86_64.
- hand written recursive descent lexer and parser.
(integer division remainder) operator.&
operator (logical and) changed toand
operator (logical or) changed toor
.- Boolean data type. Relational operators return booleans,
are pre-defined contants. - Char data type. Char literals are
followed by a single letter in quotation marks. eg#"a"
or escape sequences#"\n"
. - File data type (C
pointer) - Sequences are enclosed in
instead of parentheses. - Semicolon separators are optional between expressions in sequences.
- Variable declarations:
keyword not used, format is<id>
[: <type>
]= <exp>
instead of:=
). - Function declarations:
keyword not used, format is<id>(
[<id>: <type>
{, <id>: <type>
}]) = <exp>
. - Strings can include line breaks and span multiple lines.
- Comments are Pascal/SML style
(* ... *)
- Type aliases are not implemented.
is not implemented.- String comparison operators (
) not implemented -- usestring_compare
function instead. use "<file_name>"
to include external definition file inside alet
declaration block- Enum types.
type <id> = <id>
{| <id>
}. Exampletype color = red | green | blue
. - Case expression
case <exp> of <const> : <exp>
{| <const> : <exp>
}else <exp>
. - Array initialization uses the keyword
rather than a type name.array[<exp>] of <value>
. Examplearray[5] of 0
. Array types have structural equivalence and don't have to be declared. (Type can be inferred unless the initialization value isnil
). - Array literals. Example
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
is equivalent to nil.
- array bounds checking
- tail call optimization
- anonymous functions, first class functions
- type inference
- closures
- garbage collector
- algebraic types and polymorphic functions
- modules
- optimization
- ffi
- unicode
- alternate backends
- floating point types
- bitwise operators (and, or, not, shift)
- string compare operators
- open_input(path: string): file
- open_output(path: string): file
- close_file(f: file)
- getchar(): char
- putchar(c: char)
- file_getchar(f: file): char
- file_putchar(c: char, f: file)
- write(s: string)
- writeln(s: string)
- file_write(s: string, f: file)
- file_writeln(s: string, f: file)
- command_argcount(): int
- command_arg(n: int): string
- halt(n: int)
- str(i: int): string (converts int to string)
- num(s: string): int (converts string to int) (todo)
- ord(ch: char): int
- chr(n: int): char
- length(s: string): int
- substring(s: string, start: int, len: int): string
- string_concat(s1: string, s2: string): string
- string_compare(s1: string, s2: string): int
- make_string(size: int): string
- true
- false
- not(b: bool): bool
- is_digit(c: char): bool
- is_space(c: char): bool
- is_upper(c: char): bool
- is_lower(c: char): bool
- is_alpha(c: char): bool
- min(m: int, n: int): int
- max(m: int, n: int): int