A tool for cli-ifying the tedious task of interacting with crusty, old cgi applications (with REST support coming soon!)
Because we want to automate actions against older, CGI-based applications that must still be used.
$ ls
scenarios httpplayer httpplayer.rb
$ cat scenario/adduser.rb
# We will group our input parameters by our URI paths
HttpplayerScenario.scenario = {
:url => "https://crustyoldapp.com",
:paths => {
"/cgi-bin/adduser.cgi" => {
:method => :post,
:validation => /^.*$/,
:bad_out => /<p class=['"]red['"]>(.+?)<\/p>/,
:parse_and_forward_inputs => true,
:params => {
:username => {
:format => /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$/,
:id => "user_name",
:label => "short hostname",
:mandatory => true,
:flags => ["-u", "--username [USERNAME]"]
:email => {
:format => /^.+@(\+\.?)+$/,
:label => "E-Mail Address",
:mandatory => true,
:clone => [ :email_confirm ],
:flags => ["-e", "--email [EMAIL]"]
:password => {
:label => "password",
:clone => [ :password_confirm ],
:mandatory => true,
:flags => ["-p", "--password [PASSWORD]"]
"/cgi-bin/confirm_adduser.cgi" => {
:method => :post,
:validation => /^.*$/,
:bad_out => /<p class=['"]red['"]>(.+?)<\/p>/,
:depends => "/cgi-bin/adduser.cgi",
:params => {
:confirmation => { :mandatory => true, :default => "YES" }
# Yeah, for some reason, this stupid application breaks if the email is not
# upper-case
def HttpplayerScenario.email_transform(scenario, email)
{ :email => email.upcase }
Let's play this scenario!
$ httpplayer.rb adduser -h
Usage: httpplayer.rb [options] adduser [options]
-u, --username [USERNAME] short hostname
-p, --password [PASSWORD] password
-e, --email [EMAIL] E-Mail Address
-h, --help Display this help
Sweet! Automagical command help!
$ httpplayer.rb adduser -u joeuser -e joeuser@example.com -p SecretPassword
User added!
All params for all paths are parsed for command arguments. Arguments are validated against any format
specifiers included. :clone can make a parameter appear as another parameter with a different name.
This is useful for crappy cgis that duplicate data all over the place (yes, it happens).
Dependencies between different path end-points are handled with :depends statements. Its handled as an acyclic graph and sorted with a topsort.
Tranform methods can be defined to massage data for some expected format. They can be defined for any param and can even be used to take in a single param and provide multiple subsequent parameters.
Cookie handling RESTful support