This repository contains the open source Perl client for BSG's REST API.
- Sign up for a free account
- Get
BSG provides an API to get the balance information of your account.
my $apikey = 'test_8zWaPwOaHDPRFmgIldhl';
my $api = new BSGAPI($apikey);
my $balance = $api->balance();
$balance = {
"errorDescription":"No errors",
Number Lookup helps you keep your mobile numbers database up to date.
Mobile subscribers often change numbers, go into roaming and change providers while retaining their original phone number. Knowing which mobile numbers are in use and available, or which network your client is currently using can greatly improve accuracy and cost effectiveness for many types of businesses. With Number Lookup, you can determine:
- which numbers are currently active
- is the mobile number in roaming
- is the mobile number ported
msisdn (int) The telephone number. Required.
reference (string) A client reference. Required.
tariff (int) Tariff code of a price grid.
callback_url (string) The URL on your call back server on which the Number Lookup response will be sent.
my $response = $api->HLRCreate('msisdn'=>'380972920000', 'reference'=>'extid1');
Example response:
$response = {
$response = $api->HLRCreate(
Example response:
$response = { "result":
Retrieves the information of an existing HLR. You only need to supply the unique message id that was returned upon creation or receiving.
$response = $api->HLR(2); # HLR id
# or
$response = $api->HLR('reference'=>'ext_id_14'); # by reference
Example response:
$response = {
"errorDescription":"No errors",
"name":"Kyivstar GSM JSC",
BSG provides an API to send SMS messages to any country across the world.
BSG are identified by a unique random ID. And with this ID you can always check the status of the message through the provided endpoint.
Creates a new message object. BSG returns the created message object with each request. Per request, a max of 50 phones can be entered.
destination (string) The type of message campaign. Required Values can be:
- phone (single message reuest).
- phones (multiple message reuest).
originator (string) The sender of the message. This can be a telephone number (including country code) or an alphanumeric string. In case of an alphanumeric string, the maximum length is 11 characters. Required
body (string) The body of the SMS message. Required
msisdn (string) The telephone number. Required
reference (string) A client reference. Required
phones (array) The array of recipients msisdn's & reference's. Required Set only for multiple message request ("destination": "phones").
validity (int) The amount of seconds that the message is valid.
tariff (int) Tariff code of a price grid.
# SIngle sms
$response = $api->smsSend("destination"=>"phone",
"originator"=>"alpha name",
"body"=>"message text",
# Multitiple sms
$response = $api->smsSend("destination"=>"phones",
"originator"=>"alpha name",
"body"=>"message text",
Example response:
"errorDescription":"No errors",
"errorDescription":"No errors",
"errorDescription":"No errors",
# by SMS ID
$response = $api->sms(214);
# by task ID
$response = $api->sms("task"=>6);
# by reference
$response = $api->sms("reference"=>"ext_id_17");
Example response:
"errorDescription":"No errors",
"time_in":"2017-01-17 09:11:41",
"time_sent":"2017-01-17 09:11:41",
"time_dr":"2017-01-17 09:11:41",
"body":"message text",
VIBER provides an API to send VIBER messages to any country across the world.
BSG are identified by a unique random ID. And with this ID you can always check the status of the message through the provided endpoint.
Send a VIBER message
Creates a new message object. BSG returns the created message object with each request. Per request, a max of 50 phones can be entered.
messages (array) The array of VIBER message objects. Required
to (array) The array of recipients msisdn's & reference's. Required
msisdn (string) The telephone number. Required
reference (string) A client reference. Required
text (string) The body of the VIBER message. Required
alpha_name (string) The sender of the message. Required
validity (int) The amount of seconds that the message is valid.
tariff (int) Tariff code of a price grid.
reference (string) A client reference.
options: (hash) An hash with VIBER options.
$response = $api->viberSend("tariff"=>"0",
"text"=>"My Viber messages is shinier than your SMS messages",
"caption"=>"See Details",
Example response:
"errorDescription":"No errors",
"errorDescription":"External ID already exists",
Retrieves the information of an existing message. This message can be a sent or a received message. You only need to supply the unique message id that was returned upon creation or receiving.
$response = $api->viber('380972920000');
# or by reference
$response = $api->viber("reference"=>"ext_id_19");
Example response:
"errorDescription":"No errors",
"time_in":"2017-01-17 09:20:02",
"time_sent":"2017-01-17 09:20:02",
"time_dr":"2017-01-17 09:20:02",
BSG provides an API to get the price information of your account.
# HLR Price
$response = $api->price('hlr');
# SMS Price
$response = $api->price('sms');
#Viber price by tarif ID
$response = $api->price('viber'=>1);
Example response:
'error' => 0,
'errorDescription' => 'No errors',
'prices' => [
'currency' => 'EUR',
'type' => 'viber',
'country' => 'DE',
'country_name' => 'Germany',
'price' => '0.0200000',
'mcc' => '262'
# .....
'country' => 'UA',
'type' => 'viber',
'price' => '0.0065000',
'mcc' => '255',
'country_name' => 'Ukraine',
'currency' => 'EUR'