- Sign up for a free BSG account
- Create a new
(live or test access key)
First, you need to create an instance of BSG::Client. Be sure to replace YOUR_ACCESS_KEY with something real in the bottom example.
require 'pp' # Only needed for this example
client = BSG::Client.new(YOUR_ACCESS_KEY)
That's easy enough. Now we can query the server for information.
Chances are that the most common use you'll have for this API client is the ability to send out text messages. For that purpose we have created the message_create method, which takes the required originator, one or more msisdn and a body text for parameters.
pp client.message_create(destination: 'phone', originator: 'SENDER', body: 'message text', msisdn: '380662341945', reference: 'MyReference')