- Next.js 14 (App Router)
- TypeScript 5.2
- React Server Components
- Dynamic imports for optimal loading
- Tailwind CSS with custom design system
- CSS Variables for theme customization
- CSS Grid for responsive layouts
- Framer Motion for animations
- Page transitions
- Scroll animations
- Hover effects
- Custom UI components built from scratch
- Next.js Image optimization
- Dynamic imports
- React Suspense boundaries
- Optimized font loading
- Responsive images
- Code splitting
- React Context API
- Custom hooks for web3 integration
- SWR for data fetching
- Local storage persistence
- ethers.js for blockchain interaction
- Web3Modal for wallet connections
- Chain-specific configurations
- Custom hooks for contract interactions
- ESLint with custom config
- Prettier for code formatting
- PostCSS for CSS processing
- TypeScript strict mode
- Husky for git hooks
- Dynamic metadata generation
- JSON-LD structured data
- OpenGraph tags
- Twitter cards
- Sitemap generation
- Jest for unit testing
- React Testing Library
- E2E tests with Playwright
- TypeScript strict mode
- ESLint for code quality
- GitHub Actions workflow
- Automated testing
- Production builds
- Deployment checks
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start development server
npm run dev
# Build for production
npm run build
# Start production server
npm start
├── app/ # Next.js 14 app directory
│ ├── layout.tsx # Root layout
│ ├── page.tsx # Home page
│ └── [...routes]/ # Other routes
├── components/
│ ├── home/ # Home page components
│ ├── layout/ # Layout components
│ ├── shared/ # Shared components
│ └── ui/ # Reusable UI components
├── lib/
│ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
│ ├── utils/ # Utility functions
│ └── web3/ # Web3 integration
├── styles/
│ ├── globals.css # Global styles
│ └── variables.css # CSS variables
└── types/ # TypeScript types
- 𝕏 Twitter: @btb_finance
- Telegram: BTBFinance
- Discord: Join our community
MIT License