See the live action raw uncut demonstration video on youtube:
If you use Arch Linux you can get polify from AUR.
polify have no dependencies and all you need is the
script in your PATH. Use the Makefile to do a
systemwide installation of both the script and the manpage.
(configure the installation destination in the Makefile, if needed)
$ git clone
$ cd polify
# make install
$ polify -v
polify - version: 2019.08.05.1
updated: 2019-08-05 by budRich
For polify to work, there needs to be at least one
module of the type custom/ipc
and the setting enable-ipc
needs to be set to true in the polybar configuration file.
enable-ipc = true
type = custom/ipc
hook-0 = polify --module polifyModule1
When polify is executed with only the --module MODULE_NAME
option, all it will do is cat
the content of
the file: /tmp/polify/MODULE_NAME
(or echo
a blank line
if the file doesn't exist). When this is done from a
polybar module it will set the modules text to the
last line of the file.
Any arguments to the polify
command that doesn't belong
to an option, will get redirected (and formatted if needed
or requested) to /tmp/polify/MODULE_NAME
. Then the command
polybar-msg hook MODULE_NAME 1
will get executed by
polify, causing the module to get updated.
$ polify --module polifyModule1 testing one three four
this will first create (or overwrite) the file: /tmp/polify/polifyModule1 with the single line: testing one three four
then the command: polybar-msg hook polifyModule1 1
automatically executed, triggering the first hook to
execute: (polify --module polifyModule1), which in turn will
update the module with the string: "testing one three four"
The --expire-time SECONDS
option can be used to clear the
module when SECONDS have passed. It is also possible to
manually clear a module with the --clear
The text can be forced to have a specific background, foreground or mouse-button actions. It is also possible to prefix the string with another string, the prefix in turn can have different colors and actions:
$ polify --module polifyModule1 \
--foreground '#FF00FF' \
--background '#000000' \
--rightclick 'notify-send "polify rc"' \
--prefix "test module: " \
--foreground-prefix '#FFF000' \
--background-prefix '#0000FF' \
--leftclick-prefix 'notify-send "clicking prefix"' \
this is the main string
$ cat /tmp/polify/polifyModule1
%{F#FFF000}%{B#0000FF}%{A1:notify-send "clicking prefix":}test module: %{A}%{F-}%{B-}%{F#FF00FF}%{B#000000}%{A3:notify-send "polify rc":}this is the main string%{F-}%{B-}%{A}
Since only the last line of the file is the one that will
be visible in the bar, it is possible to write and read text
to the file and use them to f.i. store the state of a
module. This is conveniently done by using the --msg MESSAGE
polify is shipped with the script polifypop, which can
be used to execute commands on the --msg
line. It will only
execute a command if it is prefixed with the word
POLIPOP. And the first argument to polifypop needs
to be the name of the module, it is cool to bind polifypop
to a hotkey...
$ polify --module polifyModule1 --msg "mode1" --foreground '#FF0000' this is mode one
$ cat /tmp/polify/polifyModule1 | head -1
$ polify --module polifyModule1 --msg "POLIPOP notify-send 'hello pop'" hello bar
$ polifypop polifyModule1
thisscript="$(readlink -f "$0")"
if [[ $(polify --module polifyModule1 | head -1) = mode1 ]]; then
polify --module polifyModule1 \
--leftclick "$thisscript" \
--foreground '#00FF00' \
--msg "mode2" \
this is mode two
polify --module polifyModule1 \
--leftclick "$thisscript" \
--foreground '#FF0000' \
--msg "mode1" \
this is mode one
If you are using multiple polybars you can use the --pid PID
option to specify which polybar process to work with.
polify --module|-o TARGET-MODULE [OPTIONS] [MESSAGE]
polify --module|-o TARGET-MODULE [--pid|-p PID] [--foreground|-f COLOR] [--background|-b COLOR] [--leftclick|-l COMMAND] [--rightclick|-r COMMAND] [--middleclick|-m COMMAND] [--scrollup|-u COMMAND] [--scrolldown|-d COMMAND] [--prefix|-e STRING [ [--foreground-prefix|-F COLOR] [--background-prefix|-B COLOR] [--leftclick-prefix|-L COMMAND] [--rightclick-prefix|-R COMMAND] [--middleclick-prefix|-M COMMAND] [--scrollup-prefix|-U COMMAND] [--scrolldown-prefix|-D COMMAND] ] [--expire-time|-t SECONDS] [--msg|-s MESSAGE] [MESSAGE]
polify --module|-o TARGET-MODULE [--pid|-p PID] --clear|-x
polify --help|-h
polify --version|-v
Name of target module
If set the specified polybar PID process will be used.
Hexadecimal color value for MESSAGE foreground color.
Hexadecimal color value for MESSAGE background color.
COMMAND will get executed when MESSAGE is left-clicked
COMMAND will get executed when MESSAGE is right-clicked
COMMAND will get executed when MESSAGE is middle-clicked
COMMAND will get executed when MESSAGE is scrolled up.
COMMAND will get executed when MESSAGE is scrolled down.
Hexadecimal color value for PREFIX foreground color.
Hexadecimal color value for PREFIX background color.
COMMAND will get executed when PREFIX is left-clicked
COMMAND will get executed when PREFIX is right-clicked
COMMAND will get executed when PREFIX is middle-clicked
COMMAND will get executed when PREFIX is scrolled up.
COMMAND will get executed when PREFIX is scrolled down.
If set module will get cleared after SECONDS
Will get added to the module text file before the actual
message/prefix. Can be used to store information such as the
current state of the module
Clears the module.
Show help and exit.
Show version and exit.
Added polifypop.
Initial release.
polify is licensed with the MIT license