Updates include:
- General code refactoring
- Move most configuration parameters to NixieConfig.h
- Remove IR Remote functionality
- Enable/Disable GPS in config file
- Enable/Disable Debugging in config file
- Added more tunes in config file
- Tube timer feature with on/off timer to turn tube off at night
- Temperature LED feature to reflect room temperature in LED color
- Enable/Disable Colons in config file
- Remove IR functionality
- Remove hours offset in menu
- Bugfix: Timer3 interrupt being used by tone library not allowing red LED PWM on D9, opt for block tone library
clone this repo!
git clone https://github.com/buildxyz-git/nixiclock_ncs314.git
Install a few libraries: TimeZone TimerFreeTone
Copy the patched version of RTTTL included in this repo
NixieClock_NCS314_Firmware> cp -r ./libs/Rtttl [/PATH/TO/YOUR/ARDUINO/LIBRARIES]
Open the main sketch (NixieClock_NCS314_Firmware.ino) and build!