This Software is using multiple python libraries in order to perform Aperture Photometry as well as Raw file conversion into .FITS files. Currently the DXHO is under development and supports CLI.
Choose Options from menu:
- 1 for Raw file Conversion into .FITS file.
- 2 for performing aperture photometry on .FITS file on Computer.
Raw File Conversion:
- If you chose 1 from then write the address of raw file. (.CR2 or .NEF)
- Press Enter.
- It will save a converted .FITS file in same folder as of source file.
Aperture Photometry:
- If you selected 2 from menu then, Write address of .fits file
- Wait for the file to be processed
- Write address for the data to be saved
- Add GUI.
- Add Option for Automatic Photometry.
- Add Camera Control Function for Raspberry Pi.